@inproceedings{amershi2019guidelines, author = {Amershi, Saleema and Weld, Dan and Vorvoreanu, Mihaela and Fourney, Adam and Nushi, Besmira and Collisson, Penny and Suh, Jina and Iqbal, Shamsi and Bennett, Paul and Inkpen, Kori and Teevan, Jaime and Kikin-Gil, Ruth and Horvitz, Eric}, title = {Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction}, organization = {ACM}, booktitle = {CHI 2019}, year = {2019}, month = {May}, abstract = {Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) frame opportunities and challenges for user interface design. Principles for human-AI interaction have been discussed in the human-computer interaction community for over two decades, but more study and innovation are needed in light of advances in AI and the growing uses of AI technologies in human-facing applications. We propose 18 generally applicable design guidelines for human-AI interaction. These guidelines are validated through multiple rounds of evaluation including a user study with 49 design practitioners who tested the guidelines against 20 popular AI-infused products. The results verify the relevance of the guidelines over a spectrum of interaction scenarios and reveal gaps in our knowledge, highlighting opportunities for further research. Based on the evaluations, we believe the set of design guidelines can serve as a resource to practitioners working on the design of applications and features that harness AI technologies, and to researchers interested in the further development of guidelines for human-AI interaction design.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/guidelines-for-human-ai-interaction/}, note = {CHI 2019 Honorable Mention Award}, }