@misc{afkhami-jeddi2020high-dimensional, author = {Afkhami-Jeddi, Nima and Cohn, Henry and Hartman, Thomas and Laat, David de and Tajdini, Amirhossein}, title = {High-Dimensional Sphere Packing and the Modular Bootstrap}, howpublished = {ArXiv}, year = {2020}, month = {June}, abstract = {We carry out a numerical study of the spinless modular bootstrap for conformal field theories with current algebra U(1)c × U(1)c, or equivalently the linear programming bound for sphere packing in 2c dimensions. We give a more detailed picture of the behavior for finite c than was previously available, and we extrapolate as c → ∞. Our extrapolation indicates an exponential improvement for sphere packing density bounds in high dimensions. Furthermore, we study when these bounds can be tight. Besides the known cases c = 1/2, 4, and 12 and the conjectured case c = 1, our calculations numerically rule out sharp bounds for all other c < 90, by combining the modular bootstrap with linear programming bounds for spherical codes.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/high-dimensional-sphere-packing-and-the-modular-bootstrap/}, }