@misc{stolcke2017humans, author = {Stolcke, Andreas}, title = {Humans versus machines: the case of conversational speech recognition}, year = {2017}, month = {July}, abstract = {Recent work at Microsoft and IBM has pushed the accuracy of automatic speech recognition systems on conversational speech to a level that is on par with humans, when measured on historical government evaluation data sets. I will review the history of this task and then review a recent experiment at Microsoft to benchmark state-of-the-art recognition technology against human transcription performance. The second half of the talk will look at the question of how human and machine transcription accuracy differ quantitatively and qualitatively.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/humans-versus-machines-case-conversational-speech-recognition/}, edition = {Invited talk, Afeka Conference for Speech Processing, Tel Aviv}, note = {Invited talk, Afeka Conference for Speech Processing, Tel Aviv}, }