INMT: Interactive Neural Machine Translation Prediction

  • Sebastin Santy ,
  • Sandipan Dandapat ,
  • Monojit Choudhury ,

2019 Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing |

Published by Association for Computational Linguistics

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In this paper, we demonstrate an Interactive Machine Translation interface, that assists human translators with on-the-fly hints and suggestions. This makes the end-to-end translation process faster, more efficient and creates high-quality translations. We augment the OpenNMT backend with a mechanism to accept the user input and generate conditioned translations.


Interactive Neural Machine Translation (INMT)

2 7 月, 2021

Interactive Machine Translation (INMT) interface assists human translators with on-the-fly hints and suggestions. This makes the end-to-end translation process faster, more efficient, and creates high-quality translations. We augment the OpenNMT backend with a mechanism to accept the user input and generate conditioned translations.