@misc{kandula2002integrated, author = {Kandula, Srikanth and Shaikh, Anees and Nahum, Erich}, title = {Integrated Network Performance Diagnostics}, year = {2002}, month = {January}, abstract = {One of the most challenging parts of running a networkbased service is monitoring and managing performance. End-to-end performance may be influenced by numerous factors, and problems are not easily attributable to their correct source [1]. When a performance problem arises, the service provider or customer has available a number of tools to aid in diagnosing performance issues, each of which test different aspects of the network service.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/integrated-network-performance-diagnostics/}, edition = {New York Metro Area Networking Workshop}, note = {New York Metro Area Networking Workshop}, }