Interactive sound propagation for dynamic scenes using 2D wave simulation

Computer Graphics Forum (Symposium on Computer Animation) | , Vol 39(8)

We present a technique to model wave-based sound propagation to complement visual animation in fully dynamic scenes. We employ 2D wave simulation that captures geometry-based diffraction effects such as obstruction, reverberation, and directivity of perceptually-salient initial sound at the source and listener. We show real-time performance on a single CPU core on modestly-sized scenes that are nevertheless topologically complex. Our key ideas are to exploit reciprocity and use a perceptual encoding and rendering framework. These allow the use of low-frequency finite-difference simulations on static scene snapshots. Our results show plausible audio variation that remains robust to motion and geometry changes. We suggest that wave solvers can be a practical approach to real-time dynamic acoustics. We share the complete C++ code of our «Planeverb» system [source repo (opens in new tab)].

Our system performs live 2D wave simulation at interactive rates to capture variation in acoustic effects from arbitrary dynamic changes in scene geometry. In the above scene, the moving wall shown in red moves from left to right, obstructing the source in the center of the image. Our system renders the smooth variation in loudness, as seen in the waveform at bottom.

Planeverb: Interactive sound propagation for dynamic scenes using 2D wave simulation

We present a technique to model wave-based sound propagation to complement visual animation in fully dynamic scenes. We employ 2D wave simulation that captures geometry-based diffraction effects such as obstruction, reverberation, and directivity of perceptually-salient initial sound at the source and listener. We show real-time performance on a single CPU core on modestly-sized scenes that are nevertheless topologically complex. Our key ideas are to exploit reciprocity and use a perceptual encoding and rendering framework. These allow the use of low-frequency finite-difference simulations on static scene snapshots. Our results show plausible audio variation that remains robust to motion and geometry changes. We suggest that wave solvers can be a practical approach to real-time dynamic acoustics. The complete C++ code of our “Planeverb” system . Note: There…