@inproceedings{burger2003issues, author = {Burger, John and Cardie, Claire and Chaudhri, Vinay and Gaizauskas, Robert and Harabagiu, Sanda and Israel, David and Jacquemin, Christian and Lin, Chin-Yew and Maiorano, Steve and Miller, George and Moldovan, Dan and Ogden, Bill and Prager, John and Riloff, Ellen and Singhal, Amit and Shrihari, Rohini and Strazalkowski, Tomek and Voorhees, Ellen and Weishedel, Ralph}, title = {Issues, Tasks and Program Structures to Roadmap Research in Question & Answering (Q&A)}, organization = {NIST}, booktitle = {Document Understanding Conference}, year = {2003}, month = {October}, abstract = {Recently the Vision Statement to Guide Research in Question Answering (Q&A) and Text Summarization outlined a deliberately ambitious vision for research in Q&A. This vision is a challenge to the Roadmap Committee to define the program structures capable of addressing the question processing and answer extraction subtasks and combine them in increasingly sophisticated ways, such that the vision for research is made possible. The Vision Statement indicates a broad spectrum of questioners and a range of answers.  }, publisher = {NIST}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/issues-tasks-and-program-structures-to-roadmap-research-in-question-answering/}, }