@techreport{desai2015iterative, author = {Desai, Ankush and Qadeer, Shaz and Rajamani, Sriram and Seshia, Sanjit and }, title = {Iterative Cycle Detection via Delaying Explorers}, year = {2015}, month = {March}, abstract = {Liveness specifications on finite-state concurrent programs are checked using algorithms to detect reachable cycles in the state-transition graph of the program. We present new algorithms for cycle detection based on the idea of prioritized search via a delaying explorer. We present thorough evaluation of our algorithms on a variety of reactive asynchronous programs, including device drivers, distributed protocols, and other benchmarks culled from the research literature.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/iterative-cycle-detection-via-delaying-explorers/}, number = {MSR-TR-2015-28}, }