@unpublished{kim2021learning, author = {Kim, Jongyoo and Yang, Jiaolong and Tong, Xin}, title = {Learning High-Fidelity Face Texture Completion Without Complete Face Texture}, year = {2021}, month = {October}, abstract = {For face texture completion, previous methods typically use some complete textures captured by multiview imaging systems or 3D scanners for supervised learning. This paper deals with a new challenging problem – learning to complete invisible texture in a single face image without using any complete texture. We simply leverage a large corpus of face images of different subjects (e. g., FFHQ) to train a texture completion model in an unsupervised manner. To achieve this, we propose DSD-GAN, a novel deep neural network based method that applies two discriminators in UV map space and image space. These two discriminators work in a complementary manner to learn both facial structures and texture details. We show that their combination is essential to obtain high-fidelity results. Despite the network never sees any complete facial appearance, it is able to generate compelling full textures from single images.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/learning-high-fidelity-face-texture-completion-without-complete-face-texture/}, }