@inproceedings{chen2022learning, author = {Chen, Sitan and Li, Jerry and Li, Yuanzhi}, title = {Learning (Very) Simple Generative Models Is Hard}, booktitle = {2022 Neural Information Processing Systems}, year = {2022}, month = {May}, abstract = {Motivated by the recent empirical successes of deep generative models, we study the computational complexity of the following unsupervised learning problem. For an unknown neural network , let be the distribution over given by pushing the standard Gaussian through . Given i.i.d. samples from , the goal is to output distribution close to in statistical distance. We show under the statistical query (SQ) model that no polynomial-time algorithm can solve this problem even when the output coordinates of are one-hidden-layer ReLU networks with neurons. Previously, the best lower bounds for this problem simply followed from lower bounds for and required at least two hidden layers and neurons [Daniely-Vardi '21, Chen-Gollakota-Klivans-Meka '22]. The key ingredient in our proof is an ODE-based construction of a compactly supported, piecewise-linear function with polynomially-bounded slopes such that the pushforward of under matches all low-degree moments of .}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/learning-very-simple-generative-models-is-hard/}, }