@techreport{borgs1998mean-field, author = {Borgs, Christian and Chayes, Jennifer and Hofstad, R. van der and Slade, G.}, title = {Mean-field lattice trees}, year = {1998}, month = {October}, abstract = {We introduce a mean-field model of lattice trees based on embeddings into Z d of abstract trees having a critical Poisson offspring distribution. This model provides a combinatorial interpretation for the self-consistent mean-field model introduced previously by Derbez and Slade, and provides an alternate approach to the work of Aldous. The scaling limit of the mean-field model is integrated super-Brownian excursion (ISE), in all dimensions. We also introduce a model of weakly self-avoiding lattice trees, in which an embedded tree receives a penalty e -β for each self-intersection. The weakly self-avoiding lattice trees provide a natural interpolation between the mean-field model ( β = 0), and the usual model of strictly self-avoiding lattice trees ( β = ∞) which associates the uniform measure to the set of lattice trees of the same size.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/mean-field-lattice-trees/}, pages = {18}, number = {MSR-TR-98-47}, }