@article{haah2021measurement, author = {Haah, Jeongwan and Hastings, Matthew}, title = {Measurement sequences for magic state distillation}, year = {2021}, month = {January}, abstract = {Magic state distillation uses special codes to suppress errors in input states, which are often tailored to a Clifford-twirled error model. We present detailed measurement sequences for magic state distillation protocols which can suppress arbitrary errors on any part of a protocol, assuming the independence of errors across qubits. Provided with input magic states, our protocol operates on a two-dimensional square grid by measurements of ZZ on horizontal pairs of qubits, XX on vertical pairs, and Z,X on single qubits.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/measurement-sequences-for-magic-state-distillation/}, journal = {Quantum}, volume = {5}, number = {383}, }