@article{gurevich1979monadic, author = {Gurevich, Yuri}, title = {Monadic Theory of Order and Topology, II}, year = {1979}, month = {May}, abstract = {Assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, we interprete the theory of (the cardinal of) continuum with quantification over constructible (monadic, dyadic, etc.) predicates in the monadic (second-order) theory of real line, in the monadic theory of any other short non-modest chain, in the monadic topology of Cantor's Discontinuum and some other monadic theories. We exhibit monadic sentences defining the real line up to isomorphism under some set-theoretic assumptions. There are some other results.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/monadic-theory-order-topology-ii/}, pages = {45-71}, journal = {Israel Journal of Mathematics}, volume = {34}, }