@inproceedings{kubota2007multi-view, author = {Kubota, A. and Smolic, A. and Magnor, M. and Tanimoto, M. and Chen, T. and Zhang, Cha}, title = {Multi-View Imaging and 3DTV}, booktitle = {Computer Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environment (CVIIE'05)}, year = {2007}, month = {November}, abstract = {Multiview imaging (MVI) has attracted increasing attention, thanks to the rapidly dropping cost of digital cameras. This opens a wide variety of interesting new research topics and applications, such as virtual view synthesis, highperformance imaging, image/video segmentation, object tracking/recognition, environmental surveillance, remote education, industrial inspection, 3DTV, and free viewpoint TV (FTV) [9], [10]. While some of these tasks can be handled with conventional single view images/video, the availability of multiple views of the scene significantly broadens the field of applications, while enhancing performance and user experience.}, publisher = {IEEE}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/multi-view-imaging-3dtv/}, edition = {Computer Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environment (CVIIE'05)}, }