@inproceedings{wang2020multitenancy, author = {Wang, Tao and Zhu, Hang and Ruffy, Fabian and Jin, Xin and Sivaraman, Anirudh and Ports, Dan R. K. and Panda, Aurojit}, title = {Multitenancy for fast and programmable networks in the cloud}, organization = {USENIX}, booktitle = {HotCloud 2020}, year = {2020}, month = {July}, abstract = {Fast and programmable network devices are now readily available, both in the form of programmable switches and smart network-interface cards. Going forward, we envision that these devices will be widely deployed in the networks of cloud providers (e.g., AWS, Azure, and GCP) and exposed as a programmable surface for cloud customers---€”similar to how cloud customers can today rent CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and ML accelerators. Making this vision a reality requires us to develop a mechanism to share the resources of a programmable network device across multiple cloud tenants. In other words, we need to provide multitenancy on these devices. In this position paper, we design compile and run-time approaches to multitenancy. We present preliminary results showing that our design provides both efficient utilization of the resources of a programmable network device and isolation of tenant programs from each other.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/multitenancy-for-fast-and-programmable-networks-in-the-cloud/}, }