NetSMF: Large-Scale Network Embedding as Sparse Matrix Factorization

  • Jiezhong Qiu ,
  • Yuxiao Dong ,
  • Hao Ma ,
  • Jian Li ,
  • Chi Wang ,
  • Kuansan Wang ,
  • Jie Tang

The Web Conference 2019 |

We study the problem of large-scale network embedding, which aims to learn latent representations for network mining applications.
Previous research shows that 1) popular network embedding benchmarks, such as DeepWalk, are in essence implicitly factorizing a matrix with a closed form, and 2)
the explicit factorization of such matrix generates more powerful embeddings than existing methods.
However, directly constructing and factorizing this matrix—which is dense—is prohibitively expensive in terms of both time and space, making it not scalable for large networks.

In this work, we present the algorithm of large-scale network embedding as sparse matrix factorization (NetSMF).
NetSMF leverages theories from spectral sparsification to efficiently sparsify the aforementioned dense matrix, enabling significantly improved efficiency in embedding learning.
The sparsified matrix is spectrally close to the original dense one with a theoretically bounded approximation error, which helps maintain the representation power of the learned embeddings.
We conduct experiments on networks of various scales and types.
Results show that among both popular benchmarks
and factorization based methods, NetSMF is the only method that achieves both high efficiency and effectiveness.
We show that NetSMF requires only 24 hours to generate effective embeddings for a large-scale academic collaboration network with tens of millions of nodes, while it would cost DeepWalk months and is computationally infeasible for the dense matrix factorization solution.
The source code of NetSMF is publicly available.

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Large Scale Labeled Graph Data

mai 14, 2019

This download contains the data used in the WWW'19 paper NetSMF: Large-Scale Network Embedding as Sparse Matrix Factorization