@inproceedings{craswell2002overview, author = {Craswell, Nick and Hawking, David}, title = {Overview of the TREC-2002 Web Track}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TREC-2002}, year = {2002}, month = {November}, abstract = {The TREC-2002 Web Track moved away from non-Web relevance ranking and towards Webspecific tasks on a 1.25 million page crawl “.GOV”. The topic distillation task involved finding pages which were relevant, but also had characteristics which would make them desirable inclusions in a distilled list of key pages. The named page task is a variant of last year’s homepage finding task. The task is to find a particular page, but in this year’s task the page need not be a home page.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/overview-of-the-trec-2002-web-track/}, edition = {Proceedings of TREC-2002}, note = {\urlhttp://research.microsoft.com/users/nickcr/pubs/craswell_trec02wt.pdf}, }