@inproceedings{yan2018pantheon, author = {Yan, Francis Y. and Ma, Jestin and Hill, Greg D. and Raghavan, Deepti and Wahby, Riad S. and Levis, Philip and Winstein, Keith}, title = {Pantheon: the training ground for Internet congestion-control research}, booktitle = {USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC)}, year = {2018}, month = {July}, abstract = {Internet transport algorithms are foundational to the performance of network applications. But a number of practical challenges make it difficult to evaluate new ideas and algorithms in a reproducible manner. We present the Pantheon, a system that addresses this by serving as a community "training ground" for research on Internet transport protocols and congestion control (https://pantheon.stanford.edu). It allows network researchers to benefit from and contribute to a common set of benchmark algorithms, a shared evaluation platform, and a public archive of results. We present three results showing the Pantheon's value as a research tool. First, we describe a measurement study from more than a year of data, indicating that congestion-control schemes vary dramatically in their relative performance as a function of path dynamics. Second, the Pantheon generates calibrated network emulators that capture the diverse performance of real Internet paths. These enable reproducible and rapid experiments that closely approximate real-world results. Finally, we describe the Pantheon's contribution to developing new congestion-control schemes, two of which were published at USENIX NSDI 2018, as well as data-driven neural-network-based congestion-control schemes that can be trained to achieve good performance over the real Internet.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/pantheon/}, }