@article{huang2011progression, author = {Huang, Kuan-Hsiang Gary and Goedhals, Dominique and Carlson, Jonathan M. and Brockman, Mark A. and Mishra, Swati and Brumme, Zabrina L. and Hickling, Stephen and Tang, Christopher S.W. and Miura, Toshiyuki and Seebregts, Chris and Heckerman, David and Ndung'u, Thumbi and Walker, Bruce and Klenerman, Paul and Steyn, Dewald and Goulder, Philip and Phillips, Rodney and Group, Bloemfotnein-Oxford Collaborative and Vuuren, Cloete van and Frater, John}, title = {Progression to AIDS in South Africa Is Associated with both Reverting and Compensatory Viral Mutations}, year = {2011}, month = {April}, abstract = {We lack the understanding of why HIV-infected individuals in South Africa progress to AIDS. We hypothesised that in end-stage disease there is a shifting dynamic between T cell imposed immunity and viral immune escape, which, through both compensatory and reverting viral mutations, results in increased viral fitness, elevated plasma viral loads and disease progression. We explored how T cell responses, viral adaptation and viral fitness inter-relate in South African cohorts recruited from Bloemfontein, the Free State (n = 278) and Durban, KwaZulu-Natal (n = 775). Immune responses were measured by γ-interferon ELISPOT assays. HLA-associated viral polymorphisms were determined using phylogenetically corrected techniques, and viral replication capacity (VRC) was measured by comparing the growth rate of gag-protease recombinant viruses against recombinant NL4-3 viruses. We report that in advanced disease (CD4 counts}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/progression-aids-south-africa-associated-reverting-compensatory-viral-mutations/}, }