@inproceedings{kontschieder2014quantifying, author = {Kontschieder, Peter and Dorn, Jonas F. and Morrison, Cecily and Corish, Bob and Zikic, Darko and Sellen, Abigail and DSouza, Marcus and Kamm, Christian P. and Burggraaff, Jessica and Tewarie, Prejaas and Vogel, Thomas and Azzarito, Michael and Glocker, Ben and Chin, Peter and Dahlke, Frank and Polman, Chris and Kappos, Ludwig and Uitdehaag, Bernard and Criminisi, Antonio}, title = {Quantifying Progression of Multiple Sclerosis via Classification of Depth Videos}, booktitle = {MICCAI 2014 - Intl Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention}, year = {2014}, month = {September}, abstract = {This paper presents new learning-based techniques for measuring disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients. Our system aims to augment conventional neurological examinations by adding quantitative evidence of disease progression. An o -the-shelf depth camera is used to image the patient at the examination, during which he/she is asked to perform carefully selected movements. Our algorithms then automatically analyze the videos, assessing the quality of each movement and classifying them as healthy or non-healthy. Our contribution is three-fold: We i) introduce ensembles of randomized SVM classi ers and compare them with decision forests on the task of depth video classi cation; ii) demonstrate automatic selection of discriminative landmarks in the depth videos, showing their clinical relevance; iii) validate our classi cation algorithms quantitatively on a new dataset of 1041 videos of both MS patients and healthy volunteers. We achieve average Dice scores well in excess of the 80% mark, con rming the validity of our approach in practical applications. Our results suggest that this technique could be fruitful for depth-camera supported clinical assessments for a range of conditions.}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/quantifying-progression-of-multiple-sclerosis-via-classification-of-depth-videos/}, }