@inproceedings{chang2017revolt, author = {Chang, Joseph Chee and Amershi, Saleema and Kamar, Ece}, title = {Revolt: Collaborative Crowdsourcing for Labeling Machine Learning Datasets}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017)}, year = {2017}, month = {May}, abstract = {Crowdsourcing provides a scalable and efficient way to construct labeled datasets for training machine learning systems. However, creating comprehensive label guidelines for crowdworkers is often prohibitive even for seemingly simple concepts. Incomplete or ambiguous label guidelines can then result in differing interpretations of concepts and inconsistent labels. Existing approaches for improving label quality, such as worker screening or detection of poor work, are ineffective for this problem and can lead to rejection of honest work and a missed opportunity to capture rich interpretations about data. We introduce Revolt, a collaborative approach that brings ideas from expert annotation workflows to crowd-based labeling. Revolt eliminates the burden of creating detailed label guidelines by harnessing crowd disagreements to identify ambiguous concepts and create rich structures (groups of semantically related items) for post-hoc label decisions. Experiments comparing Revolt to traditional crowdsourced labeling show that Revolt produces high quality labels without requiring label guidelines in turn for an increase in monetary cost. This up front cost, however, is mitigated by Revolt’s ability to produce reusable structures that can accommodate a variety of label boundaries without requiring new data to be collected. Further comparisons of Revolt’s collaborative and non-collaborative variants show that collaboration reaches higher label accuracy with lower monetary cost.}, publisher = {ACM - Association for Computing Machinery}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/revolt-collaborative-crowdsourcing-labeling-machine-learning-datasets/}, edition = {Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017)}, }