@inproceedings{talwar2001rsvp-sqos, author = {Talwar, Vanish and Nahrstedt, Klara and Nath, Suman}, title = {RSVP-SQoS : A Secure RSVP Protocol}, booktitle = {ICME'01: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo}, year = {2001}, month = {August}, abstract = {Distributed multimedia applications require end-to-end quality of service (QoS) in order to be accepted and used. One approach to achieve end-to-end QoS is to provide end-to-end resource reservations. Resource ReSerVation Protocal (RSVP) is a unicast and multicast signalling protocal for setting up network bandwidtch reservation. In this paper, we propose a solution for securing RSVP messages in a flexible, efficient and scalable manner. Our solution extends the RSVP protocal with a scalable QoS protection, using hybrid hierarchical security approach. The RSVP messages go through two different protocol treatments- one within subnetworks and the other across subnetworks. We use delayed integrity checking within the subnetwork by sending feedback messages from the egress node. A stronger integrity and encryption check is made on messages sent across subnetworks. Our solution is thus an intermediate approach between the extremes of hop by hop authentication and the SDS/CD protocols and overcomes the drawbacks of the two protocols.}, publisher = {IEEE}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/rsvp-sqos-a-secure-rsvp-protocol/}, edition = {ICME'01: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo}, }