@inproceedings{chase2020secret-shared, author = {Chase, Melissa and Ghosh, Esha and Poburinnaya, Oxana}, title = {Secret-Shared Shuffle}, booktitle = {Asiacrypt 2020}, year = {2020}, month = {December}, abstract = {Generating additive secret shares of a shuffled dataset - such that neither party knows the order in which it is permuted - is a fundamental building block in many protocols, such as secure collaborative filtering, oblivious sorting, and secure function evaluation on set intersection. Traditional approaches to this problem either involve expensive public-key based crypto or using symmetric crypto on permutation networks. While public-key-based solutions are bandwidth efficient, they are computation-heavy. On the other hand, constructions based on permutation networks are communication-bound, especially when the dataset contains large elements, for e.g., feature vectors in an ML context.}, publisher = {Springer, Cham}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/secret-shared-shuffle/}, pages = {342-372}, }