@inproceedings{bhardwaj2017skip-correlation, author = {Bhardwaj, Romil and Chintalapudi, Krishna and Ramjee, Ramachandran}, title = {Skip-Correlation for Multi-Power Wireless Carrier Sensing}, booktitle = {USENIX NSDI}, year = {2017}, month = {March}, abstract = {Carrier sensing is a key mechanism that enables decentralized sharing of unlicensed spectrum. However, carrier sensing in its current form is fundamentally unsuitable when devices transmit at different power levels, a scenario increasingly common given the diversity of Wi-Fi APs in the market and the need for Wi-Fi's co-existence with new upcoming standards such as LAA/LWA.  The primary contribution of this paper is a novel carrier sensing mechanism -- skip correlation -- that extends carrier sensing to accommodate multiple transmit power levels. Through an FPGA based implementation on the WARP platform, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique in a variety of scenarios including support for backward compatibility.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/skip-correlation-multi-power-wireless-carrier-sensing/}, }