@inproceedings{wu2014smartvisio, author = {Wu, Jie and Wang, Changhu and Zhang, Liqing and Rui, Yong}, title = {SmartVisio: Interactive Sketch Recognition with Natural Correction and Editing}, booktitle = {ACM Conference on Multimedia}, year = {2014}, month = {July}, abstract = {In this work, we introduce the SmartVisio system for in- teractive hand-drawn shape/diagram recognition. Di er- ent from existing work, SmartVisio is a real-time sketch recognition system based on Visio, to recognize hand-drawn owchart/diagram with exible interactions. This system enables a user to draw shapes or diagrams on the Visio in- terface, and then the hand-drawn shapes are automatically converted to formal shapes in real-time. To satisfy the inter- action needs from common users, we propose an algorithm to detect a user's correction and editing during drawing, and then recognize in real time. We also propose a novel symbol recognition algorithm to better recognize or di er- entiate some visually similar shapes. By enabling users' nat- ural correction/editing on various shapes, our system makes owchart/diagram production much more natural and eas- ier.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/smartvisio-interactive-sketch-recognition-natural-correction-editing/}, }