@techreport{chen2012sonora, author = {Chen, Xiuwei and Beschastnikh, Ivan and Zhuang, Li and Yang, Fan and Qian, Zhengping and Zhou, Lidong and Shen, Guobin and Shen, Jacky}, title = {Sonora: A Platform for Continuous Mobile-Cloud Computing}, year = {2012}, month = {March}, abstract = {This paper presents Sonora, a platform for mobile-cloud computing. Sonora is designed to support the development and execution of continuous mobile-cloud services. To this end, Sonora provides developers with stream-based programming interfaces that coherently integrate a broad range of existing techniques from mobile, database, and distributed systems. These range from support for disconnected operation to relational and event-driven models. Sonora's execution engine is a fault-tolerant distributed runtime that supports user-facing continuous sensing and processing services in the cloud. Key features of this engine are its dynamic load balancing mechanisms, and a novel failure recovery protocol that performs checkpoint-based partial rollback recovery with selective re-execution. To illustrate the relevance and power of the stream abstraction in describing complex mobile-cloud services we evaluate Sonora's design in the context of two services. We also validate Sonora's design, demonstrating that Sonora is efficient, scalable, and provides responsive fault tolerance.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/sonora-a-platform-for-continuous-mobile-cloud-computing/}, number = {MSR-TR-2012-34}, }