@inproceedings{wang2015the, author = {Wang, Helen and Moshchuk, Alexander and Gamon, Michael and Haraty, Mona and Iqbal, Shamsi and Brown, Eli T. and Kapoor, Ashish and Meek, Chris and Chen, Eric and Tian, Yuan and Teevan, Jaime and Czerwinski, Mary and Dumais, Susan}, title = {The Activity Platform}, booktitle = {USENIX 15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XV)}, year = {2015}, month = {May}, abstract = {In this paper, we advocate “activity” to be a central abstraction between people and computing instead of applications. We outline the vision of the activity platform as the next-generation social platform.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/the-activity-platform/}, edition = {USENIX 15th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XV)}, }