@article{dey2018theoretical, author = {Dey, Santanu S. and Molinaro, Marco}, title = {Theoretical challenges towards cutting-plane selection}, year = {2018}, month = {May}, abstract = {While many classes of cutting-planes are at the disposal of integer programming solvers, our scientific understanding is far from complete with regards to cutting-plane selection, i.e., the task of selecting a portfolio of cutting-planes to be added to the LP relaxation at a given node of the branch-and-bound tree. In this paper we review the different classes of cutting-planes available, known theoretical results about their relative strength, important issues pertaining to cut selection, and discuss some possible new directions to be pursued in order to accomplish cutting-plane selection in a more principled manner. Finally, we review some lines of work that we undertook to provide a preliminary theoretical underpinning for some of the issues related to cut selection.}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/theoretical-challenges-towards-cutting-plane-selection/}, pages = {237-266}, journal = {Mathematical Programming}, volume = {170}, }