@article{gordon2003typing, author = {Gordon, Andy and Jeffrey, Alan}, title = {Typing Correspondence Assertions for Communication Protocols}, year = {2003}, month = {May}, abstract = {Woo and Lam propose correspondence assertions for specifying authenticity properties of security protocols. Prior work on checking correspondence assertions depends on model-checking and is limited to finite-state systems. We propose a dependent type and effect system for checking correspondence assertions. Since it is based on type-checking, our method is not limited to finite-state systems. This paper presents our system in the simple and general setting of the π-calculus. We show how to type-check correctness properties of example communication protocols based on secure channels. In a related paper, we extend our system to the more complex and specific setting of checking cryptographic protocols based on encrypted messages sent over insecure channels.}, publisher = {Elsevier ScienceDirect}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/typing-correspondence-assertions-for-communication-protocols-2003/}, pages = {379-409}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = {300}, number = {1}, }