Unveiling Transformers with LEGO: a synthetic reasoning task

We propose a synthetic task, LEGO (Learning Equality and Group Operations), that encapsulates the problem of following a chain of reasoning, and we study how the transformer architectures learn this task. We pay special attention to data effects such as pretraining (on seemingly unrelated NLP tasks) and dataset composition (e.g., differing chain length at training and test time), as well as architectural variants such as weight-tied layers or adding convolutional components. We study how the trained models eventually succeed at the task, and in particular, we are able to understand (to some extent) some of the attention heads as well as how the information flows in the network. Based on these observations we propose a hypothesis that here pretraining helps merely due to being a smart initialization rather than some deep knowledge stored in the network. We also observe that in some data regime the trained transformer finds «shortcut» solutions to follow the chain of reasoning, which impedes the model’s ability to generalize to simple variants of the main task, and moreover we find that one can prevent such shortcut with appropriate architecture modification or careful data preparation. Motivated by our findings, we begin to explore the task of learning to execute C programs, where a convolutional modification to transformers, namely adding convolutional structures in the key/query/value maps, shows an encouraging edge.

Physics of AI

We propose an approach to the science of deep learning that roughly follows what physicists do to understand reality: (1) explore phenomena through controlled experiments, and (2) build theories based on toy mathematical models and non-fully- rigorous mathematical reasoning. I illustrate (1) with the LEGO study (LEGO stands for Learning Equality and Group Operations), where we observe how transformers learn to solve simple linear systems of equations. I will also briefly illustrate (2) with an analysis of the emergence of threshold units when training a two-layers neural network to solve a simple sparse coding problem. The latter analysis connects to the recently discovered Edge of Stability phenomenon.