@inproceedings{nebeling2016wearwrite, author = {Nebeling, Michael and To, Alexandra and Guo, Anhong and Freitas, Adrian A. de and Teevan, Jaime and Dow, Steven P. and Bigham, Jeffrey P.}, title = {WearWrite: Crowd-Assisted Writing from Smartwatches}, booktitle = {CHI 2016}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, abstract = {The physical constraints of smartwatches limit the range and complexity of tasks that can be completed. Despite interface improvements on smartwatches, the promise of enabling productive work remains largely unrealized. This paper presents WearWrite, a system that enables users to write documents from their smartwatches by leveraging a crowd to help translate their ideas into text. WearWrite users dictate tasks, respond to questions, and receive notifications of major edits on their watch. Using a dynamic task queue, the crowd receives tasks issued by the watch user and generic tasks from the system. In a week-long study with seven smartwatch users supported by approximately 29 crowd workers each, we validate that it is possible to manage the crowd writing process from a watch. Watch users captured new ideas as they came to mind and managed a crowd during spare moments while going about their daily routine. WearWrite represents a new approach to getting work done from wearables using the crowd.}, publisher = {ACM - Association for Computing Machinery}, url = {http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/research/publication/wearwrite-crowd-assisted-writing-from-smartwatches/}, edition = {CHI 2016}, }