Artificial Emotional Intelligence, Social Systems, and the Future of Collaboration

We’re on a path to a future where artificial intelligence (AI) and humans collaborate; one could argue that time is already here. Issues of trust in teams, building rapport, and group formation will dramatically change with the infusion of AI into our social workplace. As AI begins to further augment user interactions and interfaces, there is a pressing need to think about how we want to design such AI-powered social systems and experiences. In this breakout session, we bring together experts from the social sciences, AI and machine learning, and computer science to discuss this integration, particularly how emotional intelligence can be realized to make AI-powered systems more human-like and how this may influence collaborative practices at both the practical and ethical levels.

Mary Czerwinski, Mark Ackerman, Gloria Mark, Eoin Whelan, Steve Whittaker
Microsoft Research, University of Michigan, University of California, National University of Ireland, University of California

Taille: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit