Cars, Computing and the Future of Work: Specific topics of mutual interest

Cars, Computing and the Future of Work: Specific topics of mutual interest (10 min each + 10 min discussion)

The workshop will address challenges, opportunities, and futures at the intersection of mobility and productivity, including issues around tools to support meetings and work efforts in mobile settings, the changing terrain of mobile work with advances in driving automation, and issues and opportunities around cognition in mobile settings, including addressing concerns around safety and distraction via technologies and policies that understand and support attentional needs and human cognition more generally. The goal of the workshop is to promote the sharing of ideas among researchers, to establish new collaborations, and to layout a roadmap for future research along key themes addressed at the workshop.

Linda Boyle, Ed Doran, John Lee, Ece Kamar, Shamsi Iqbal
University of Washington, Microsoft Research, University of Wisconsin, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research

Taille: Microsoft Research Faculty Summit