Fireside Chat with Dario Amodei

Fireside Chat with Dario Amodei and Eric Horvitz.
AI Safety Research, Dario Amodei
Dario Amodei leads AI safety research at OpenAI. His team’s research focuses on a variety of topics within safety, including integrating humans into the training loop of RL agents, safe exploration, and interpretability. Prior to being at OpenAI, Dario also worked at Google (working on natural language processing and safety) and Baidu (where he helped to lead the project that developed Baidu’s Deep Speech 2, a human-level speech recognition system which was named one of 10 “Breakthrough Technologies of 2016” by MIT Technology Review). Dario is also a scientific advisor for the Open Philanthropy Project, where he advises on the societal impacts of machine learning technologies, and sits on the board of the Partnership on AI. He holds a PhD in physics from Princeton University, where he was awarded the Hertz Foundation doctoral thesis prize.
Eric Horvitz is a technical fellow and director at Microsoft Research. He has made contributions in areas of machine learning, perception, natural language understanding, decision making, and human-AI collaboration. His efforts and collaborations have led to fielded systems in healthcare, transportation, ecommerce, operating systems, and aerospace. He received the Feigenbaum Prize and the Allen Newell Prize for contributions to AI. He has been elected fellow of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) , Association for the Advancement of AI (AAAI), and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has served as president of the AAAI, and on advisory committees for the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, DARPA, and the Allen Institute for AI. Beyond technical work, he has pursued efforts and studies on the influences of AI on people and society, including issues around ethics, law, and safety. He established the One Hundred Year Study on AI and served as a founder and co-chair of the Partnership on AI to Support People and Society. Eric received PhD and MD degrees at Stanford University. More information can be found on his home page.
Dario Amodei, Eric Horvitz
OpenAI, Microsoft Research

系列: MSR AI Distinguished Lectures and Fireside Chats