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Microsoft Research Summit 2021 • Videos

Panel: Building for societal resilience

We are learning that building for societal resilience requires change in how we pursue research and engineering. This panel discusses what we have learned during the COVID response: how existing projects adapted to new and urgent needs, new ways of working with other organizations to solve major problems, and how the social sciences are driving greater collaboration between technology designers and communities along with the organizations that sustain them. Drawing from our experience with SMART Health Cards (vaccine credentials), vaccine locator bots and more, we will discuss how the pandemic impacted our work, how we are adapting to build with (and not just for) individuals and communities, and how our research is evolving.

Learn more about the 2021 Microsoft Research Summit: (opens in new tab)

Tech for Resilient Communities
Karen Easterbrook, Christian Paquin, Josh Mandel, Katherine Lou, Nathan Evans
Microsoft Research, Oxford Internet Institute