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Microsoft Research Summit 2021 • Videos

Panel: The future of reinforcement learning

This panel brings together a variety of experts from industry and academia to discuss the question, what is the future of reinforcement learning? Reinforcement learning is an important research area in AI currently, and it has been an important research area in human and animal behavior since at least the middle of the 20th century. More recently, reinforcement learning research has been energized by a series of positive results, often based on deep models, in areas such as personalization and game-playing. However, there remain a wide variety of open questions, both theoretical and practical. We’ll gather expert perspectives on which open questions are the most important as well as where the likely answers might come from.

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Reinforcement Learning
Geoff Gordon, Emma Brunskill, Craig Boutilier, Sham Kakade, Joelle Pineau, Csaba Szepesvari
Microsoft Research Montreal, Stanford University, Google, Microsoft Research NYC, Facebook/McGill University, DeepMind/University of Alberta
    • Geoff Gordon的肖像

      Geoff Gordon

      Partner Researcher

    • Emma Brunskill的肖像

      Emma Brunskill

      Associate Professor, Computer Science Department

      Stanford University

    • Craig Boutilier的肖像

      Craig Boutilier

      Principal Scientist


    • Sham Kakade的肖像

      Sham Kakade

      Sr. Principal Researcher

    • Csaba Szepesvari的肖像

      Csaba Szepesvari

      Team Lead / Professor

      DeepMind / University of Alberta

    • Joelle Pineau的肖像

      Joelle Pineau

      Managing Director / Associate Professor

      Facebook AI Research / McGill University

Reinforcement Learning