TouchDevelop: Create Rich Mobile Cloud Apps on Your Device

Chair: Judith Bishop, Microsoft Research Speakers: Peli de Halleux, Microsoft Research Michal Moskal, Microsoft Research


Jonathan “Peli” de Halleux is actively working on TouchDevelop from Microsoft Research. He also teaches computer science at the Rainier Beach High School every morning, as part of the TEALS program. Peli had the chance to be featured in an article of the New York Times about TEALS.

Michal Moskal works at Microsoft Research in Redmond on software verification, automated theorem proving, and programming languages. While working on his PhD degree at the University of Wroclaw in Poland he developed Nemerle (a high-level programming language for the .NET platform) and Fx7 (a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver). In 2008, he joined European Microsoft Innovation Center in Aachen, Germany, and was instrumental to development of VCC—a state of the art SMT-based verifier for concurrent C programs applied to tens of thousands of lines of industrial C code. Michal continued work on VCC after his 2009 move to Microsoft Research Redmond. In late 2010, Nikolai Tillmann and Michal started TouchDevelop—an effort to create an integrated development environment for writing programs directly on touch-enabled mobile devices (particularly phones and tablets).

Michal Moskal and Peli de Halleux
Microsoft , Microsoft