TUTORIAL: Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer

Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer is a new prototyping platform that makes it easier to construct, program and shape new kinds of computing objects. It is comprised of modular hardware, software libraries and 3D CAD support. Together, these elements support the key activities involved both in the rapid prototyping and the small-scale production of custom embedded, interactive and connected devices. This will be a tutorial and live demo where we will show (through live coding and hardware building) how to use Gadgeteer to illustrate concepts in programming via real hardware, embedded software design, networking sensors, etc. The aim will be to give those present a taster of how Gadgeteer can be used in classrooms to inspire and educate computer scientists.


James Scott is a researcher in the Sensors and Devices group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK. His research interests span a wide range of topics in ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and include novel sensors and devices, mobile interaction, rapid prototyping, wireless and mobile networking, energy management, and security and privacy. He has authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications and has served on the PCs of leading international conferences such as UbiComp, MobiSys and Pervasive, and is the current steering committee chair of the UbiComp conference series. You can find out more about his research at http://research.microsoft.com/~jws/

Nicolas Villar is a Researcher in the Sensors and Devices Group, part of the Computer Mediated Living Research Area at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK. He works on the development of novel user interface technologies and new interaction techniques that aim to minimize the complexity of human-computer interaction and improve the experience of working and playing with technology. Nicolas is particularly interested in the use of embedded systems as building blocks in the design of physical interactive objects and user interface devices that are engaging, useful and usable.

James Scott and Nic Villar