Ubiquitous Reflective Technologies

I am constructing a deep understanding of people’s emotional relationships with products, environments, and experience and using this understanding to inform better design, reflection, and teamwork with interactive interfaces and technology. I will discuss my work on Affective Agent Research Platforms and their ability to promote learners’ affective self awareness and perseverance through frustration. I will show how these and related theories are being applied to understand and to facilitate transdisciplinary teams in ASU’s Innovation Space. This research employs new technologies, such as real-time affective sensing to measure and interpret elements of user experience such as physiology, contextual actions, and social interaction. Investigations at the confluence of affect, experience, usage, belief, process, and outcome will articulate a theory of design for affective experience to enhance well-being, productivity, play, learning and creativity across business, school, and home settings.

Speaker Bios

Winslow Burleson is an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University’s Computer Science and Engineering Department and in ASU’s Arts, Media, and Engineering graduate program. He received his PhD from the MIT Media Lab, Affective Computing Group; he was also involved with the Context-Aware Computing Group and the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at the Harvard Business School. He is a National Academies of Science Kavali Fellow, organizer for the NAS/CAS US-China Frontiers of Science Symposium, and serves as a National Science Foundation Panelist. He was a Senior Research Scientist at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories and Research Staff Member at IBM’s Almaden Research Center where he was awarded nine patents. Awarded a Master of Science degree at Stanford University’s Mechanical Engineering Product Design Program, he taught brainstorming, creativity, innovation, and visual thinking within that department. Prior work included curriculum development at the SETI Institute, Co-Principal Investigator on the Hubble Space Telescope’s Investigation of Binary Asteroids, and consultant to UNICEF and the World Scout Bureau on Healthy Lifestyles for Youth. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Bio-Physics from Rice University.

Winslow Burleson
Arizona State University (CSE and Arts Media and Engineering)