function [result, model] = rtd(A, I, B, C, D, E, X, Y, Z, k, nIter) % This code gives a regularized tensor and matrix decomposition algorithm. % % Input: Tensor A (m*n*r): user-location-activity tensor, incomplete % Indicator tensor I (m*n*r): the entries used as training data is 0, otherwise 1 % Matrix B (m*m): user-user social network % Matrix C (n*p): location-feature % Matrix D (r*r): activity-activity correlation % Matrix E (m*n): user-location visiting history % Matrix X (m*k): initial values for low-dimensional representation for the users % Matrix Y (n*k): initial values for low-dimensional representation for the locations % Matrix Z (r*k): initial values for low-dimensional representation for the activities % Integer k: the number of low dimensions, 1 <= k <= min(m,n,r) % Integer nIter: the number of iterations for gradient descent % % Output: Structure result: result.loss keeps the objective function values, % result.err keeps the prediction errors measured by RMSE (root mean square error) % Structure model: model.X, model.Y and model.Z are the output low-dimensional representations for the users, locations and activities respectively, % model.P is the output low-dimensional representations for the location features, % model.U is the output low-dimensional representations % % Note: This code uses one auxilliary toolbox. % (1) Tensor toolbox (matlab interface): version 2.4. % See % % For more details about this code, please refer to our paper: % Collaborative Filtering Meets Mobile Recommendation: A User-centered Approach. % Vincent W. Zheng, Bin Cao, Yu Zheng, Xing Xie and Qiang Yang. % In Proc. of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10). Atlanta, Georgia, USA. July 11-15, 2010. % % Copyright by the paper authors. % Any question, please send email to % May 20th, 2010. % =============================================================== a = 0.1; % user-user b = 0.1; % loc-fea c = 0.1; % act-act d = 0.1; % user-loc e = 0.1; % regularization % step size alpha = 0.0001; [m, n] = size(E); p = size(D, 1); q = size(C, 2); % split the training data and test data IndTrain = I; IndTest = ~I; ATest = A.*IndTest; A = A.*IndTrain; % require the auxilliary tensor toolbox A1 = tenmat(A,1); A2 = tenmat(A,2); A3 = tenmat(A,3); A1 =; A2 =; A3 =; I = eye(k); % get the laplacian matrices LB = diag(sum(B)) - B; LD = diag(sum(D)) - D; U = rand(q,k); V{1} = X; V{2} = Y; V{3} = Z; % construct the tensor based on the initial values for X, Y and Z P = ktensor(V); P = tensor(P); oldLoss = 100000; for iIter=1:nIter dX = - A1*khatrirao(Z,Y) + X*((Z'*Z).*(Y'*Y) + e * I) + a*LB*X + d*(X*Y'-E)*Y; dY = - A2*khatrirao(Z,X) + Y*((Z'*Z).*(X'*X) + e * I) + b*(Y*U'-C)*U + d*(X*Y'-E)'*X; dZ = - A3*khatrirao(Y,X) + Z*((Y'*Y).*(X'*X) + e * I) + c*LD*Z; dU = b*(Y*U'-C)'*Y + e*U; X = X - alpha*dX; Y = Y - alpha*dY; Z = Z - alpha*dZ; U = U - alpha*dU; V{1} = X; V{2} = Y; V{3} = Z; P = ktensor(V); P = tensor(P); loss(iIter) = norm(A - P)^2 + e*(norm(X,'fro')^2 + norm(Y,'fro')^2 + norm(Z,'fro')^2 + norm(U,'fro')^2) ... + a/2*trace(X'*LB*X) + b/2*norm(C - Y*U', 'fro')^2 + c/2*trace(Z'*LD*Z) + d/2*norm(E-X*Y','fro')^2; % the error is measured by RMSE err(iIter) = norm(ATest - IndTest.*P); fprintf('Iteration: %d\t loss: %f\t error: %f\n', iIter, loss(iIter), err(iIter)); if(loss(iIter) < oldLoss) oldLoss = loss(iIter); else X = X + alpha*dX; Y = Y + alpha*dY; Z = Z + alpha*dZ; U = U + alpha*dU; V{1} = X; V{2} = Y; V{3} = Z; P = ktensor(V); P = tensor(P); break; end end % return the model and result model.P = P; model.X = X; model.Y = Y; model.Z = Z; model.U = U; result.loss = loss; result.err = sqrt(norm(ATest - IndTest.*P)^2/nnz(ATest));