ࡱ>  ;-bjbj 7:ȉȉ$bb  8  ! 9h)!p!!!!"""v9x9x9x9x9x9x9;<>bx9 """""x9 !!9$$$"p ! !v9$"v9$$68! K "7b99097??#??(88?? 8p""$"""""x9x9$"""9""""??"""""""""b k: Microsoft Research Digital Memories (Memex) 2005 Awards Updated List of Publications Arizona State U. Y. CHEN, H. HUANG, W. XU, R. WALLIS, H. SUNDARAM, T. RIKAKIS, J. HE, T. INGALLS and L. OLSON (2006). The Design Of A Real-Time, Multimodal Biofeedback System For Stroke Patient Rehabilitation, Proc. SIG ACM Multimedia 2006, also AME-TR-2006-07, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA. Y. CHEN, H. HUANG, W. XU, R. WALLIS, H. SUNDARAM, T. RIKAKIS, J. HE, T. INGALLS and L. OLSON (2006). A Real-Time, Multimodal Biofeedback System for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation (demo paper), Proc. SIG ACM Multimedia 2006, also AME-TR-2006-08, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA. H. HUANG, Y. CHEN, X. WEIWEI, H. SUNDARAM, L. OLSON, T. INGALLS, T. RIKAKIS and J. HE (2006). Novel Design of Interactive Multimodal Biofeedback System for Neurorehabilitation, 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, also AME-TR-2006-04, Aug. 2006, New York City, New York, USA. W. XU, Y. CHEN, H. SUNDARAM and T. RIKAKIS (2006). The Design of Multimodal Archival, Real-Time Collaborative Annotation and Information Visualization in a Biofeedback System for Stroke Patient Rehabilitation, Proc. 3rd Workshop on Capture Archival, Retrieval of Personal Experiences, in Conjunction with ACM MM 2006, also AME-TR-2006-10, ACM Press, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA. Columbia U. K. Lee and D. Ellis (2006), Voice Activity Detection in Personal Audio Recordings Using Autocorrelogram Compensation Interspeech ICSLP-06, Pittsburgh (to appear), 2006.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/pubs/LeeE06-vad.pdf" http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/pubs/LeeE06-vad.pdf Dublin City U. Using Bluetooth and GPS Metadata to Measure Event Similarity in SenseCam Images. Byrne D, Lavelle B, Doherty A, Jones G and Smeaton A.F. Accepted for presentation at IMAI'07 - 5th International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia and Ambient Intelligence, Salt Lake City, Utah, 18-24 July, 2007. Multimodal Segmentation of Lifelog Data. Doherty A, Smeaton A.F, Lee K, and Ellis D. Accepted for presentation at 8th RIAO Conference - Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound), Pittsburgh, PA, 30 May - 1 June, 2007. SenseCam Flow Visualization for LifeLog Image Browsing. Byrne, D. BCS IRSG Informer, Spring Issue (No. 22). Organizing a daily Visual Diary Using Multi-Feature Clustering. O'Conaire C, O'Connor N, Smeaton A.F. and Jones G. SPIE Electronic Imaging - Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems (EI121), San Jose, CA, 28 January - 1 February 2007. SenseCam Visual Diaries Generating Memories for life. Smeaton A.F, O'Connor N, Jones G, Gaughan G, Lee H and Gurrin C. Poster presented at the Memories for Life Colloquium 2006, British Library Conference Centre, London, U.K., 12 December 2006. Memories for Life Website. (poster) Computing and Material Sciences for LifeLogging. Smeaton A.F, Diamond D and Smyth B. Presented at the Memories for Life Network Workshop 2006, British Library Conference Centre, London, U.K., 11 December 2006. Memories for Life Website. Content vs. Context for Multimedia Semantics: The Case of SenseCam Image Structuring. Smeaton A.F. SAMT 2006 - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Semantics and Digital Media Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Athens, Greece, 6-8 December 2006. Adaptive Visual Summary of LifeLog Photos for Personal Information Management. Hyowon Lee, Alan F. Smeaton, Noel E. O'Connor and Gareth J.F. Jones. AIR 2006 - First International Workshop on Adaptive Information Retrieval, Glasgow, U.K., 14 October 2006. (poster) Exploiting Context Information to aid Landmark Detection in SenseCam Images. Blighe M, Le Borgne H, O'Connor N, Smeaton A.F and Jones G. ECHISE 2006 - 2nd International Workshop on Exploiting Context Histories in Smart Environments - Infrastructures and Design, 8th International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2006), Orange County, CA, 17-21 September 2006. Princeton U. Qin Lv, William Josephson, Zhe Wang, Moses Charikar, and Kai Li. Ferret: A Toolkit for Content-Based Similarity Search of Feature-Rich Data. To appear in Proceedings of EuroSys2006. Qin Lv, Moses Charikar, Kai Li. Image Similarity Search with Compact Data Structures. In Proceedings of ACM 13th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Washington D.C., USA. November 2004. Zhe Wang, Christine Lv, William Josephson, Kai Li, Filtering Image Spam with Near-Duplicate Detection, to Appear in Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, August, 2007. Zhe Wang, Wei Dong, William Josephson, Qin Lv, Moses Charikar, Kai Li. Sizing Sketches: A Rank-Based Analysis for Similarity Search. To appear in Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2007, San Diego, CA, USA. June 2007. Zhe Wang, Matthew D. Hoffman, Perry R. Cook, Kai Li. VFerret: Content-Based Similarity Search Tool for Continuous Archived Video. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Capture, Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences (CARPE). Santa Barbara, California, USA. October 2006. Qin Lv, William Josephson, Zhe Wang, Moses Charikar, Kai Li. Efficient Filtering with Sketches in the Ferret Toolkit. Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR). Santa Barbara, California, USA. October 2006. U. Mass Michael Kelm, Chris Pal and Andrew McCallum. (2006) Combining Generative and Discriminative Methods for Pixel Classification with Multi-Conditional Learning. To appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Chris Pal and Andrew McCallum (2006) CC Prediction with Graphical Models, Proceedings of The Third Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, (CEAS). Andrew McCallum, Chris Pal, Greg Druck and Xuerui Wang. (2006) Multi-Conditional Learning: Generative/Discriminative Training for Clustering and Classification. In the proceedings of American Association for Artificial Intelligence National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Chris Pal, Charles Sutton and Andrew McCallum. (2006) Sparse Forward-Backward using Minimum Divergence Beams for Fast Training of Conditional Random Fields. In the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), vol. 5, pp. 581-584. U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill Barreau, D., Crystal, A., Greenberg, J., Sharma, A., Conway, M., Oberlin, J., Shoffner, M., and Seiberling, S. (in press). Augmenting Memory for Student Learning: Designing a Context-Aware Capture System for Biology Education. ASIST 2006 Annual Meeting: Information Realities: Shaping the Digital Future for All. Austin, TX, November 3-8, 2006. [Poster Paper] Barreau, D., Crystal, A., Greenberg, J., and Sharma, A. (forthcoming, August 2006). Now that we're talking, what are we learning? Personal Information Management in Context Workshop, poster presentation. 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference Seattle, Washington, August 10-11, 2006:  HYPERLINK "http://pim.ischool.washington.edu/pim06/index.htm" http://pim.ischool.washington.edu/pim06/index.htm. Corresponding poster paper Barreau, D (2006), publication place to be announced. Crystal, A. (2006). Design research for a context-aware capture system to support biology education. Abstract for DIS 2006 doctoral consortium in Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2006), University Park, PA, June 24-28, 2006:  HYPERLINK "http://ils.unc.edu/~acrystal/crystal_DIS2006_doctoral_consortium_abstract_final.pdf" http://ils.unc.edu/~acrystal/crystal_DIS2006_doctoral_consortium_abstract_final.pdf. Greenberg, J., Shoffner, M., and Sharma, A., (June 9, 2006). Memex Metadata (M2): Extending Microsoft MyLifeBits with Context Metadata. TAP Talks, Freaky Fridays:  HYPERLINK "http://aster.its.unc.edu/blog/?p=37" http://aster.its.unc.edu/blog/?p=37. Greenberg, J., Oberlin, J., and Barreau, D. (forthcoming, July 2006). Memex Metadata (M2) for Personal Educational Portfolios. Microsoft Faculty Research Summit. Seattle, WA, July 19, 2006. Greenberg, J., Sharma, A., Mendez, E., Oberlin, J., and Shoeffner, M. (forthcoming, October 2006). Memex Metadata (M2) for Reflective Learning International. Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Colima, Mexico, October 3-6, 2006. [10 manuscript pages] Mendez, E. and Greenberg, J. (forthcoming, 2006) Metadata Ontologies for Organizing Students' Memories and Learning: Standards and Convergence Models for Content Awareness. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, InSciT2006. Merida, Spain, October 25-28, 2006:  HYPERLINK "http://www.instac.es/inscit2006/" http://www.instac.es/inscit2006/. [5 manuscript pages] U. Tokyo D.Tancharoen, T.Yamasaki, K.Aizawa, Life Log Platform for Continuous and Discrete Recording and Retrieval of Personal Media, IWAIT International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology pp.207-212, Jan. 8-9, 2007, Bangkok. Virginia Tech Yang, S., Congleton, B., Luc, G., Prez-Quiones, M. A., and Fox, E.A., Demonstrating the use of a SenseCam in two domains. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (Chapel Hill, NC, USA, June 11 - 15, 2006). JCDL '06. ACM Press, New York, NY, 376-376.  HYPERLINK "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1141753.1141872" http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1141753.1141872     Microsoft Research Digital Memories (Memex) 2005 RFP Awards Updated List of Publications  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 | Page +7Ux y !UVW ps>IJKk k殣攃xh@WhzmHsH h@WhzB*H*OJQJphh@WhzB*OJQJphh@WhzmH sH !h@WhzB*OJPJQJph hz0Jh@Whz0JOJQJ^JjhzUh@W hzPJhzhhCJ(aJ(hh@WCJ(aJ(+8Ufy & 2 Wf K & Fgd@W & Fgd@W & Fgd@Wgdz $a$gdk/1;= &"'"K#L#####%%w%x%%%q&r&&&&&))ؼحؼح~~o~~~o~~~o~~hhz0JOJQJ^JjhzUh@WhzPJhzCJOJQJaJ hzPJhzB*OJQJph6_h@WhzB*OJQJphh@Whz6B*]phh@Whz5B*\phh@WhzB*phh@WhzB*OJQJphhzh@Whz6]+` '"$%&'(/*8*+%+,,,, dgdgd@W & Fgd & Fgd & Fgd@W & Fgd@Wgdz & Fgd@W)))**++F,G,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,---,---.-/-2-6-8-9-:-;-ȭh@<B*phh {mHnHujhUhhE}jhE}Uh[hhzPJhhz0JOJQJ^JjhzUhz#,,,,,,,---7-8-9-:-;-gd@W $$dNa$ dgd5 01h:p/ =!"#$% f4 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~OJQJ_HmH nH sH tH F`F Normald_H mH sH tH @  Heading 1^$d%d&d'd-D@&M ONOOOPOQO5;@B*CJ\aJph  Heading 2^$d%d&d'd-D@&M NOPQ;@CJaJtt  Heading 3/,$d%d@&NOOO;@B*CJaJph$?`tt  Heading 4/,$d%d@&NOOO;@ B*CJaJph6_bb  Heading 5,&d@&PO;@ B*CJaJph6_bb  Heading 6,&d@&PO;@ B*CJaJph6_RR   Heading 7 ,@&;@ B*CJaJph6_JJ ! 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SIG ACM && *B&-&,&)+(),-),(,(,-+,#&40,GRp@"CalibriCCCpCPoCCXCԻC OoCC mCC F0m X%7.{ @Calibrxm CCC1 mXCXCumCF0dv% % %  % % % ThlF@O@SLMultimedia 2006, also AMEG,B),(*+**( ,0G*TThlF@O@SLP-TXhlF@O@SLPTR)-TThlF@O@SLP-TdhlF@O@SLT2006**+*TThlF@O@SLP-T> hlF@O@S!L07, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA.+*7#**+*&(,(-(,((,0% % % TT? o hlF@O@? SLP 1Rp@SymbolCȷC,CCPo,C$CCC Oo,C$C m$C,C H0mX5Symbolv{ CnmXC1 mCCumC H0dv% % %  % % % TTXz}lF@O@XLP&% % % TT~lF@O@~LP p% % % T~"lF@O@gLY. CHEN, H. HUANG, W. XU, R. WALLIS, H. SUNDARAM, T. RIKAKIS, J. HE, T. INGALLS and L. OLSON (2006). A (,4)6445064J+5-J0##&4&5630.0G(-+0+&4)(650##&(,,#7#&76***+0 Td~W lF@O@B LTReal-)(TTW lF@O@B LP-TW lF@O@B L|Time, Multimodal Biofee(B)G,B,,(.,**TW lF@O@B Lhdback System ,,(#&&& )BT`" W lF@O@B LTfor,TT# 5 W lF@O@# B LP T6 W lF@O@6 B :LStroke Patient Rehabilitation (demo paper), Proc. SIG ACM &,')+(*,-),(,(,,,)B,,(,)+,#&40-G Th  lF@O@ LMultimedia 2006, also AMEG,B),(*+**( ,0G*TTh  lF@O@ LP-TXh  lF@O@ LPTR)-TTh  lF@O@ LP-Tdh  lF@O@ LT2006**+*TTh  lF@O@ LP-Th > lF@O@ !L08, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA.+*7#**+*&(,(-(,((,0TT? h o lF@O@? LP 1 % % % TTX }B lF@O@X1 LP&% % % TT~ B lF@O@~1 LP p% % % T F lF@O@1 dLH. HUANG, Y. CHEN, X. WEIWEI, H. SUNDARAM, L. OLSON, T. INGALLS, T. RIKAKIS and J. HE (2006). Novel 445064(,4)6+J)K)4&5630-0G#7#&76(640##&(-+1+&(,,4)****6,&) TV  lF@O@ LhDesign of Int3) ',,,TPV x &" WMFC SlF@O@ VLeractive Multimodal Biofeedback System for Neurorehabilitation, 28th IEEE EMBS Annual )(#%)G,B-,(-,)),,(#&&' )B,6),,),(,(,,**,))))G-&0,,,( T / lF@O@ "LInternational Conference, also AME,),(,,(,,,)),$)(!,0G)TT / lF@O@ LP-TX / lF@O@ LPTR(.TT )/ lF@O@ LP-Td* / lF@O@* LT2006*+**TT / lF@O@ LP-TT / lF@O@ ,L04, Aug. 2006, New York City, New York, USA.**0,'**++6);(,&,&6);(,&5'0TT $/ lF@O@ LP 1 % % % TTXA } lF@O@X LP&% % % TT~J  lF@O@~ LP p% % % T8E u lF@O@ RLW. XU, Y. CHEN, H. SUNDARAM and T. RIKAKIS (2006). The Design of Multimodal ArchivJ+5(,4)64&5630.1G(,,(-+0+&***+(,)3) ',,G,B,,(0#,%T|vE j lF@O@v L\al, Real(-)(TTkE  lF@O@k LP-TlE ? lF@O@ LXTime (C) T  lF@O@ bLCollaborative Annotation and Information Visualization in a Biofeedback System for Stroke Patient ,,(,,(%)0,,,(,,(,,,,B(,,/ ,(!(,,,(-,*),,(#&&& *B,&,')+(), T.  lF@O@} oL,Rehabilitation, Proc. 3rd Workshop on Capture Archival, Retrieval of Personal Experiences, in Conjunction with -),(,(,,+,#*,J,& ,,,,,,(,,)0#,%(-*)%(,,) ,,()$,)),#* ,,,,,,#,,;, T P lF@O@ LxACM MM 2006, also AME0,GGG+***( ,1G)TTQ i lF@O@Q LP-TXj  lF@O@j LPTR)-TT  lF@O@ LP-Td  lF@O@ LT2006****TT  lF@O@ LP-T`  lF@O@ LT10,**TT  lF@O@ LP T<  lF@O@ (LACM Press, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA.0-G+* 7#*++*&(,(-(,((,0TT  lF@O@ LP 1  O 'O% LdL L T!??% (    % % %  TX  lF@O@X LdCOLUMBIA U.7D-BV:>BTT  lF@O@ LP = ! 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Accepted for3,,)&0,,) 4(,,&B)(,,0&0##),),&" WMFC ,TT  lF@O@ LP T  lF@O@ L|presentation at IMAI'07 ,)!),(,,(G0**TT  lF@O@ LP-TT  lF@O@ LP T  elF@O@  L5th International Conference on *,,),(,,(,,,)),$),, % % % Tr ylF@O@dILIntelligent Multimedia and Ambient Intelligence, Salt Lake City, Utah, 18,)'),G,B),((,,0B,),,)(),#)&(#(&),&5(,**TTs  ylF@O@s dLP-T kylF@O@ dLl24 July, 2007. **,&**+*% % % TTlylF@O@ldLP 1 % % % TTX}lF@O@XLP&% % % TT~lF@O@~LP p% % % TlF@O@bLMultimodal Segmentation of Lifelog Data. Doherty A, Smeaton A.F, Lee K, and Ellis D. Accepted for G,B,,(&)(B),(,,,#),'3((3,-)&0&B)),,0&#))+(,,) 30#$),),, T4glF@O@R L`presentat,) ),(T5glF@O@5RLion at 8th RIAO Conference ,,(*,-07,,,)),#)TTglF@O@RLP-TTglF@O@RLP TlglF@O@RLXLarge#('*TTglF@O@RLP-TglF@O@R9LScale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and &#()')B(,$0##* ,,,,),()$B)')/,),(,, TxlF@O@LSound), Pittsburgh, PA, 30 May &,,,,+ ,,',+0**G(&TTx5lF@O@LP-TT6xHlF@O@6LP TIx lF@O@ILh1 June, 2007. *,,)****TT xJ lF@O@ LP 1 % % % TTX}RlF@O@XALP&% % % TT~RlF@O@~ALP p% % % TVlF@O@ALhSenseCam Flow &),!),)B&,;TVlF@O@A LhVisualization0 ,(!(,,TTVlF@O@ALP T,IVlF@O@APLfor LifeLog Image Browsing. Byrne, D. BCS IRSG Informer, Spring Issue (No. 22). ,#)#,'B(')--;!,'-',)3-,&.&4,,B)&,,' ,)6,**TTJzVlF@O@JALP 1 % % % TTXg}lF@O@XLP&% % % TT~plF@O@~LP p% % % TxklF@O@L\Organiz7'(,!T`kVlF@O@LTing,'TTWkilF@O@WLP T jk{lF@O@j La daily Visual Diary Using Multi(,(&/ ,(3(&5 ,'G,TT|klF@O@|LP-TklF@O@>LFeature Clustering. O'Conaire C, O'Connor N, Smeaton A.F. and &)(,),, )-'7,,,(),7,,,,,6&B)(,,0&(,, T=DlF@O@/!LJones G. SPIE Electronic Imaging ,,) 4&+)))#,,#B(','TT>VDlF@O@>/LP-TTWiDlF@O@W/LP TjQDlF@O@j/ILMultimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems (EI121), San Jose, CA, G,B),(,,,),0##* 0',,C (,,&& *B ****&(,- ),0  &WMFCTUllF@O@ Ld28 January **(,,(&TTmUlF@O@mLP-TTUlF@O@LP TUlF@O@Ll1 February 2007.*&),,(&****TTUlF@O@LP TTUlF@O@LP TTU,lF@O@LP 1 % % % TTX}/lF@O@XLP&% % % TT~/lF@O@~LP p% % % Tk3lF@O@LpSenseCam Visual D&),!),)B/ ,(3T\lT3lF@O@lXLiaries Generating Memories for life. Smeaton A.F, O'Connor N, Jones G, Gaughan G, Lee H (* 5),*(,'G)B,) ,)&C*(,,0&7,,,,,6,,) 54(,',(,4#))4 TCUlF@O@lL$and Gurrin C. Poster presented at the Memories for Life Colloquium 2006, British Library Conference Centre, (,,4,,,+, ),* ),*,(,)G)B,* ,#),,,,,,B****- ,#,(&,,,)),#)-),) TDlF@O@)LLondon, U.K., 12 December 2006. Memories #,,,,,5+**3)#*B,)+***G*B,* T`< lF@O@LTfor,TT= O lF@O@= LP TP 5 lF@O@P LlLife Website. (#)K), )Tx6 * lF@O@6 L\poster),, )TT+ [ lF@O@+ LP 1% % 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  d.@"Calibri--- @"Calibri-@"Calibri----- O&2 [cMICROSOFT RESEARCH    2 [c   O)2 tcDIGITAL MEMORIES (ME       2 CcMEX)  2 pc 2 uc2005 r 2 cAWARDS  2 c   O)2 cUPDATED LIST OF PUBL    2 mcICATIONS   2 c  @"Calibri--- @"Calibri-@"Calibri-- OO- @ !F-  #2 HcARIZONA STATE U. 2 c  ,cO- OO- @ !C-- @ !C-O- @ !F-O- @ !-- @ !-O- @ !C-- @ !C-O- @ !F-O- @ !-- @ !-O- @ !C-O- @ !-- '@Symbol---@"Arial---@"Calibri------ 2 Hc--- 2 Lc ---2 ZicY. CHEN, H. HUANG, W. XU, R. WALLIS, H. SUNDARAM, T. RIKAKIS, J. HE, T. INGALLS and L. OLSON (2006). The e  #2 ZcDesign Of A Real 2 c-52 cTime, Multimodal Biofeedback 2 c _2 8cSystem For Stroke Patient Rehabilitation, Proc. SIG ACM @"Calibri------12 ZcMultimedia 2006, also AMEa  2 c-2 cTR 2 c-2 c2006 2 c-=2 !c07, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA.--- 2 xc @Symbol------ 2 Hc--- 2 Lc ---2 ZgcY. CHEN, H. HUANG, W. XU, R. WALLIS, H. SUNDARAM, T. RIKAKIS, J. HE, T. INGALLS and L. OLSON (2006). A   2 ZcReal 2 kc-.2 ncTime, Multimodal Biofee 2  cdback System 2  cforl 2 c b2 :cStroke Patient Rehabilitation (demo paper), Proc. SIG ACM 12 *ZcMultimedia 2006, also AME  2 *c-2 *cTR 2 *c-2 *c2006 2 *c-=2 *!c08, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA. 2 *xc --- 2 9Hc--- 2 9Lc ---2 9ZdcH. HUANG, Y. CHEN, X. WEIWEI, H. SUNDARAM, L. OLSON, T. INGALLS, T. RIKAKIS and J. HE (2006). Novel    2 GZ cDesign of Int2 GVceractive Multimodal Biofeedback System for Neurorehabilitation, 28th IEEE EMBS Annual >2 UZ"cInternational Conference, also AME 2 Uc-2 UcTR 2 Uc-2 Uc2006 2 Uc-M2 U,c04, Aug. 2006, New York City, New York, USA. 2 Uc --- 2 dHc--- 2 dLc ---2 dZRcW. XU, Y. CHEN, H. SUNDARAM and T. RIKAKIS (2006). The Design of Multimodal Archiv 2 dcal, Real 2 dc-2 dcTime e2 rZbcCollaborative Annotation and Information Visualization in a Biofeedback System for Stroke Patient 2 ZocRehabilitation, Proc. 3rd Workshop on Capture Archival, Retrieval of Personal Experiences, in Conjunction with +2 ZcACM MM 2006, also AME   2 c-2 cTR 2 c-2 c2006 2 c-2 c10,6 2 c G2 (cACM Press, Oct. 2006, Santa Barbara, CA. 2 c  OO- @ !F- --- 2 H cCOLUMBIA U.  2 c  ,cO- OO- @ !C-- @ !C- O- @ !F- O- @ !-- @ !- O- @ !C-- @ !C- O- @ !F- O- @ !-- @ !- O- @ !C- O- @ !- - '--- 2 Hc--- 2 Lc ---2 ZhcK. Lee and D. Ellis (2006), Voice Activity Detection in Personal Audio Recordings Using Autocorrelogram @1Courier New------82 ZcCompensation Interspeech ICSLP 2 c-=2 !c06, Pittsburgh (to appear), 2006.r2 fc  2 kc @0Courier New- - - --- M2 Z,chttp://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/pubs/LeeE06 2 bc-2 hcvad.pdfl- @ !8Z- ---  2 c  OO- @ !F-  ---  2 HcDUBLIN CITY U. 2 c  ,cO-  OO- @ !C- - @ !C-  O- @ !F-  O- @ !- - @ !-  O- @ !C- - @ !C-  O- @ !F-  O- @ !- - @ !-  O- @ !C-  O- @ !-  -  '--- 2 Hc--- 2 Lc ---2 ZPcUsing Bluetooth and GPS Metadata to Measure Event Similarity in SenseCam Images.   2 c  2 c )2 cByrne D, Lavelle B, S2 'Z0cDoherty A, Jones G and Smeaton A.F. Accepted for 2 ''c /2 ')cpresentation at IMAI'07   2 'c- 2 'c ;2 ' c5th International Conference on ---y2 5ZIcIntelligent Multimedia and Ambient Intelligence, Salt Lake City, Utah, 18I  2 5~c-"2 5c24 July, 2007. --- 2 5c --- 2 CHc--- 2 CLc ---2 CZbcMultimodal Segmentation of Lifelog Data. Doherty A, Smeaton A.F, Lee K, and Ellis D. Accepted for 2 QZ cpresentat42 Qcion at 8th RIAO Conference e 2 Qc- 2 Qc 2 QcLarged 2 Qc-a2 Q9cScale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and :2 _ZcSound), Pittsburgh, PA, 30 May   2 _c- 2 _c  2 _c1 June, 2007.  2 _c --- 2 nHc--- 2 nLc --- 2 nZcSenseCam Flow 2 n cVisualization  2 nc 2 nPcfor LifeLog Image Browsing. Byrne, D. BCS IRSG Informer, Spring Issue (No. 22).  2 nc --- 2 |Hc--- 2 |Lc ---2 |ZcOrganizl2 |ycinga 2 |c ;2 | ca daily Visual Diary Using Multi 2 |c-h2 |>cFeature Clustering. O'Conaire C, O'Connor N, Smeaton A.F. and =2 Z!cJones G. SPIE Electronic Imaging r 2 c- 2 c y2 IcMultimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems (EI121), San Jose, CA, .2 Z c28 January  2 c- 2 c #2 c1 February 2007. 2 c  2 c  2 c --- 2 Hc--- 2 Lc ---%2 ZcSenseCam Visual DM2 Xciaries Generating Memories for life. Smeaton A.F, O'Connor N, Jones G, Gaughan G, Lee H  2 Zlcand Gurrin C. Poster presented at the Memories for Life Colloquium 2006, British Library Conference Centre,  I2 Z)cLondon, U.K., 12 December 2006. Memories  2 cfora 2 c "2 cLife Website. ( 2 Xcposter)l 2 uc "SystemMS Shell Dlg- - ccccccccccccccccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaa This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. The application is responsible for updati  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F L 1Tableg?WordDocument7:SummaryInformation(>DocumentSummaryInformation8|CompObjyMsoDataStore  L LADV4CFUU4YVDOLQ==2 L L  !"#$%&')+,-  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qDocumentLibraryFormDocumentLibraryFormDocumentLibraryForm ace="http:// schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/v3"/> This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. The application is responsible for updating this value after each revision. ns:ds="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/customXml"/>w> ՜.+,D՜.+, hp  h MicrosoftB$  Arizona State U. Columbia U.Dublin City U. Princeton U.U. MassU. North Carolina, Chapel Hill U. TokyoVirginia Tech Title Headings00d _PID_HLINKSPublishingExpirationDatePublishingStartDateA$n7+http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1141753.1141872CS !http://www.instac.es/inscit2006/Ci1 $http://aster.its.unc.edu/blog/?p=37CKzThttp://ils.unc.edu/~acrystal/crystal_DIS2006_doctoral_consortium_abstract_final.pdfCO2http://pim.ischool.washington.edu/pim06/index.htmC^ 5http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~dpwe/pubs/LeeE06-vad.pdfC2018-11-21T11:17:50Z2000-01-01T00:00:00Z