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Keywords: Instant messaging, empirical studies, interruptions, intelligent systems 1 Introduction The amount of information available for presentation to computer users is enormous. New email arrives constantly, help systems offer their services, and appointment and task reminders ensure we are at least aware that we are running behind. Intelligent systems (e.g., Horvitz, Jacobs and Hovel, 1999) have been developed to help manage the onslaught of potential incoming information. These systems filter messages, making decisions about what information is important, the optimal time for a notification, and how to display the message. Such systems face several difficult design problems associated with the user interface model, and there has been surprisingly little research to guide system designers. One psychological phenomenon central to designing a good user interface for notifications is the trust the user develops in the system. When an intelligent system makes mistakes, which are especially likely in the early going as it learns, users may place less trust in the messaging system. In the extreme case, users may adopt a strategy of completely ignoring or disabling the system. Maltz, and Meyer (2000) studied a demanding visual task in which potentially beneficial cues were provided. The cues varied in their validity from invalid, moderately valid, to highly valid cues, or there were no cues (control condition). By the second block of trials, only the participants receiving highly valid cues continued to utilize the cues. The question of users trust in the system therefore is important when designing a notification interface for a system known to be somewhat unreliable. If a first impression dominates subsequent interpretations, then the interface should strive to mitigate any negative first impressions. In this paper, we present a study of behavioral reactions to a system with changing reliability. What happens when a system is initially unreliable, but becomes more reliable later on? Once users trust of the notification interface has been broken will they ever reassess system reliability and update their behavior to incorporate new information? 2 Empirical Study Procedure Sixteen participants, ranging in age from 19 to 51, each completed 84 word puzzles similar to the game Boggle. Shown a 6 X 6 grid of letters, participants were given a specified time frame to find the 5-letter solution word beginning with the letter in bold. Periodically, the system sent notifications to participants that, if responded to, revealed the first three letters of the solution word. Notifications were either subtle or salient. Salient notifications consisted of a large spinning graphic shown near screen-center, accompanied by a loud sound. Subtle notifications were smaller graphics shown at the lower right of the screen, accompanied by a quiet sound. Participants were told that a salient notification meant the computer thought the message was helpful to the current task, while a subtle notification meant the system thought the incoming message was not relevant to the current task.  However, the system was not always correct. Sometimes (congruent trials) the computer was right (e.g., a subtle notification contained an unhelpful message). Sometimes (incongruent trials) the computer made a mistake (e.g., a salient notification contained an unhelpful message). Each participant experienced 2 blocks of 42 trials each. In one block the computer was correct 80% of the time, and in the other block it was correct 50% of the time. As a dependent measure we assessed the amount of system use under different levels of system reliability. Our measure of system usage was the percent of notifications opened. 2.2 Results We performed an analysis of the proportion of notifications presented that participants actually opened. A 2 (block order) x 2 (congruency) x 2 (notification style) ANOVA showed a significant interaction between block order and congruency, F(1,7)=9.56, p<0.01 (Figure 1). The half of the participants who received the 80% block first clicked on 67% of the salient notifications and 31% of the subtle notifications in that block. Moreover, in the block that followed, participants clicked on more than 65% of both types of notifications. In contrast, those participants who received the 50% congruency block of trials first only clicked on 35% of the salient and 21% of the subtle notifications in the 80% congruency block of trials that followed. In other words, the effect of the low reliability of the expert system was to significantly reduce the number of notifications opened, even when reliability of the system increased dramatically in a later block of trials. Discussion This experiment clearly showed the tradeoffs associated with high versus low system recommendation reliability and user interface presentation style. Generally, the decision to open notifications carried over from the first to the second block, despite marked differences in system reliability. When participants experienced high system reliability in the first block of trials, they were much more likely to continue to trust the system and open notifications in the second block even when the system had become unreliable. Conversely, participants first exposed to an unreliable system lost trust, and opened 20% fewer notifications throughout the rest of the experimental session, despite a dramatic improvement to reliability. These results support the findings of Maltz and Meyer (2000). The results of this experiment begin to address the effects of the critical but realistic situations in which intelligent systems make mistakes, incorrectly notifying users of the importance of incoming information. In designing intelligent notification systems, ensuring high-quality filtering from the outset is of utmost importance because once users perceive a system to be unreliable, it is very hard to win them back. First impressions cannot be overestimated in building trust with users of intelligent messaging systems. References Horvitz, E., Jacobs, A. and Hovel, D. (1999). Attention-sensitive alerting. 15th Conf. on Uncertainty and AI (UAI '99), Stockholm, Sweden. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers: San Francisco, pp. 305-13. Maltz, M. and Meyer, J. (2000). Cue utilization in a visually demanding task. In Proceedings of the IEA 2000/HFES 2000 Congress. San Diego, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 283-284. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '" Continuing my confusion from Exp. 1, why are planned contrasts generating F values?  EMBED DeltaGraph.Document   EMBED DeltaGraph.Document  Figure 4: Proportion of notifications opened by congruency and notification type. 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