ࡱ> ,_Y NbjbjWW ==T]  T.....$R.#KhXXXXMdGGGG@GP.IP~J$LNBJJ XX^ XXG..G  )$@6GX-W@..G Time-Compression: Systems Concerns, Usage, and Benefits Nosa Omoigui, Liwei He, Anoop Gupta, Jonathan Grudin, and Elizabeth Sanocki November 11, 1998 MSR-TR-98-63 Microsoft Research Redmond, WA. 98052 USA Time-Compression: Systems Concerns, Usage, and Benefits Authors:Nosa Omoigui, Liwei He, Anoop Gupta, Jonathan Grudin, and Elizabeth Sanocki Microsoft ABC Research Laboratories ABSTRACT With the proliferation of online multimedia content and the popularity of multimedia streaming systems, it is increasingly useful to be able to quickly skim and browse multimedia. Time-compression is aA key technique that enables the quick browsing of multimedia is time-compression. Prior research has described how speech can be time-compressed (shortened in duration) while preserving the pitch of the audio. However, client-server systems providing this functionality are not yethave not been available. In this paper, we first describe the key tradeoffs faced by designers of streaming multimedia systems deploying /implementers of client-server time-compression systems. The implementation tradeoffs primarily impact the granularity of time-compression available supported (discrete vs. continuous) and the latency (wait-time) experienced by the users after adjusting degree of time-compression. We report results of user studies showing impact of these factors on the average-compression-rate achieved. We also present data on the usage patterns and benefits of time compression. Overall, we show significant time-savings for users and that considerable flexibility is available to the designers of client-server streaming systems with time compression. Keywords Time-Compression, Video Browsing, Multimedia, Latency, Compression Granularity, Compression Rate. INTRODUCTION With the Internet now a mass medium, digital multimedia content is becoming pervasive both on corporate Intranets and on the Internet. For instance, Stanford University makes the video content of 15 or more courses available online every quarter [Sta98]. Similarly, corporations are making internal seminar series available on Intranets. With so much content online, it is very desirable to be able to browse online content quickly. Several techniques exist for summarizing and skimming multimedia content [Hej90, Aro92, Aro97]. Of these, time-compression-- compressing audio and video in time, while preserving the pitch of the audio--is very promising. Time-compression allows multimedia to bve viewed or listened to in less time. For instance, with 1.5-fold time-compression, an hour-long presentation takes forty minutes. Although time-compression has been used before in hardware-device contexts [Aro92] and telephone voicemail systems [Max80], it has not been available in streaming video client-server systems. This paper describes user studies that help guide the design of client-server streaming systems supporting time compression. Designers of such systems have three choices. 1) A system with multiple pre-time-compressed server-side files, leading to discrete-granularity (e.g., 1.0, 1.25, 1.5) time-compression and long latency (wait-time) for end users. This requires essentially no client-side changes, but has large server-side storage overhead. 2) A simple real-time client-side solution, leading to continuous-granularity time compression, but still with long-latency for end-users. 3) A complex real-time client-side solution, leading to continuous granularity, but with negligible latency for end-users. We have studied the impact of these choices on use patterns, and also attempted to quantify the benefits achieved. We examined how time-compression is used under different conditions of latency and discrete/continuous time-compression granularities. We tracked the change over time in the average speedup-factor and the number of adjustments, across users and videos. These measures are compared with the users perception of the value of time-compression, the amount of time they saved using the feature. At a high level, our results show time-savings of 22% for the tasks we studied. Coarse granularity and long latency do not seem to deter the benefits of time compression, but can affect user satisfaction. This suggests that considerable flexibility is available to the designers of client-server streaming systems with time compression.With the Internet now a mass medium, digital multimedia content is becoming pervasive both on corporate Intranets and on the Internet. For instance, Stanford University is making the video content of 15+ courses available online every quarter [Sta98]. Similarly, many corporations are making the video of their internal seminar series available on their Intranets. With so much interesting content being put online, it is becoming more and more critical to be able to quickly browse the online content. Several techniques exist for summarizing and skimming multimedia content [Hej90, Aro92, Aro97]. Of these, time-compression---which involves compressing audio and video in time, while preserving the pitch of the audio---appears to be thevery most promising. Time-compression allows users to listen to or watch multimedia in less time than the length of the recording. For instance, with 1.5-fold time-compression, one could watch an hour-long presentation in forty minutes. While time-compression has been used before in hardware-device contexts [Aro92] and telephone voicemail systems [Max80], it has not yet been available in streaming video client-server systems. This paper focuses on user studies to help guide the design of client-server streaming systems that support time compression. From an implementation perspective, designers of such systems have three choices. First, aThe first choice is to build a system with multiple pre-time-compressed server-side files, leading to discrete-granularity (e.g., 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, ) time- compression and long access-latency (wait-time) system for end users. This alternative requires essentially no client-side changes, while simple in implementation complexity, but has large server-side storage overhead. The second choice is Second,to build a a simple real-time client-side solution, leading to continuous-granularity time compression, but still with long -latency for end-users. ThirdThe third choice, is a complex real-time client-side solution, leading to continuous granularity, but with negligible latency for end-users. In this paper, we study the impact of these choices on usage patterns, and also attempt to quantify the benefits (in time-savings and otherwise) achieved. We set up studies to determine how users use time-compression under different conditions of latency and discrete/continuosontinuous time-compression granularities. We also track how measures, such as the average speedup-factor and the total number of adjustments, vary with time, and across users and videos. These measures are compared with the users perception of the value of time-compression, the amount of time they saved using the feature. At a high-level, our results show time- savings of 22% for the tasks we studied. We also find that coarse-granularity and long-latency do not seem to deter the benefits of time compression, but can affect user satisfaction. As a result, we show that considerable flexibility is available to the designers of client-server streaming systems with time compression. The paper is organized as follows. Section  REF _Ref429490724 \r \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 2 provides a brief introduction to time-compression. Section  REF _Ref429490777 \r \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 3 focuses on the system-level options and tradeoffs involved in building a client-server time-compression system. Section 4 describes the prototype system used in our study, and Section 5 describes experimental procedure and task. Results are presented in Section 6, related work in Section 7, and concluding remarks in Section 8. TIME COMPRESSION BASICS Time-compression reduces the time to listen to or watch multimedia content. In general, there are two kinds of time-compression: linear time-compression and skimming [Aro97]. With linear time-compression, compression is applied consistently across entire media streams, without regard to the multimedia information contained therein. With skimming, the content of the media streams is analyzed, and compression rates may vary from one point in time to another. Typically, skimming involves removing redundancies such as pauses in audio from the original material. This paper focuses only on linear time-compression. Time Compression of Audio The time it takes to listen to a piece of audio content can be reduced by playing the audio samples back at a higher sampling rate than that at which they were recorded for instance, by dropping alternate samples. However, this results in an increase in pitch, thereby creating less unintelligible or unnatural sounding audio. One would like to time-compress the audio and preserve pitch, in order to maximize the intelligibility and quality of the user experience. Audio content may comprise of speech and/or music. We focus on the former in this paper. The most basic technique for achieving time-compressed speech involves taking short fixed-length speech segments (e.g., 100ms segments), and discarding portions of these segments (e.g., dropping 33ms segment to get 1.5-fold compression), and abutting the retained segments [ML50, Gar53a, Gar53b, FEJ54]. The duration of each retained segment relative to the overall segment should be equal to the desired compression rate or speedup-factor. The main advantage of this technique is that it is computationally simple and very easy to implement. However, discarding segments and abutting the remnants produce discontinuities at the interval boundaries and produce clicks and other forms of signal distortion. To improve the quality of the output signal, a windowing function or smoothing filter such as a cross-fade can be applied at the junctions of the abutted segments [Que74]. A technique called Overlap Add (OLA) yields signals of very good quality. OLA also involves applying a windowing function to a periodic sampling interval. However, instead of abutting the segments and applying a smoothing filter, another window is taken of an interval that is shifted from the previous interval. These two windows are then overlapped and added together to form the compressed output signal. The length of the shift is proportional to the desired compression rate. OLA is relatively easy to implement and is computational inexpensive--- the algorithm can be run in real-time on a Pentium 90 without any noticeable impact onusing only a small fraction of the CPU utilization. It typically yields time-compressed signals of decent quality. Other techniques for achieving time-compression of speech include sampling with dichotic presentation [Sco67, Orr71], selective sampling [Neu78], and improvements to OLA such as SOLA and P-SOLA [GrL84]. Based on the tradeoff between output quality and computational complexity, we employed OLA in this study. Time Compression of Video Compared to audio, time-compressing video is more straightforward. There are two techniques to time-compressing video linearly. The first involves dropping video frames on a regular basis, consistent with the desired compression rate. For instance, to achieve a compression rate of 50% (i.e., a speedup-factor of 2.0), every other frame would be dropped. In the second technique, the rate at which video frames are rendered is changed. Thus to get a 2.0-fold speed-up, the frames are rendered at twice thsthis rate. The main negative is thatof this scheme is that it is computationally more expensive for the client, as the CPU has to decode twice as many frames in the same amount of time. TRADEOFFS IN BUILDING CLIENT-SERVER TIME-COMPRESSION SYSTEMS Time-compression has not been employed in client-server multimedia streaming environments. There are several ways to build time-compression into streaming systems in client-server environments, each with advantages and disadvantages. Multiple Pre-Processed Server-Side Files In this model, the server stores separate pre-processed media files for each speedup-factor. The author chooses a set of speedup-factors and encodes different files at each factor. As a user switches between speedup-factors, the client switches to the media file corresponding to the new factor. For example, an hour-long documentary could be time-compressed at rates of 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, and 2.0. Users would then have the option of choosing among the resulting files. This technique provides has several advantages: (1) Minimal changes to the client and server. (2) No extra bandwidth is required because the time-compressed media files are also encoded at the appropriate bit-rate. (3) It does not affect server scalability, since no complex processing is done on the server. (4) Because time-compression is performed offline, computationally expensive and high quality time-compressedion algorithms can be used. The disadvantages of this technique are: (1) Latency is incurred when switching between files (when client user changes time-compression) and if video is not at a key-frame boundary. (2) Additional storage is required at the server for all the different speed the media files. (3) The time-compression feature cannot be provided with existing media files. New files have to be encoded. (4) It allows for only discrete speedup-factors. Users would be at the mercy of the authors judgement with respect to the speedup-factor granularity. Simple Real-Time Client-Side Solution In this modelscheme, the client time-compresses incoming data in real time. Changes to the server are minimal: the server has to be able to accept a speedup-factor request from the client. To achieve time-compression for a specified speedup-factor, the client sends a message to the server, informing it to stream data to the client at N times the bit-rate at which the data was encoded, where N is the speedup factor. The client then time-compresses the data on the fly. The model is simple in that it does not employ any complicated flow-control techniques to minimize or eliminate buffering-induced latency when there is a change in speedup-factors. It simply informs the server of the new compression rate, re-buffers the new data it receives, and then commences playback. This technique has several advantages: (1) Time-compression can be achieved with existing media files. (2) No additional storage is needed on the server. (3) It allows for both discrete and continuosontinuous speedup-factors. (4) It does not affect scalability, since no complex processing is done on the server. (5) Most importantly, it is simple to implement, as complex buffering and flow-control to eliminate latency are not needed. However, this technique also has severalThe disadvantages are: (1) It requires extra network bandwidthFor speedup-factors greater than 1.0, extra bandwidth is required, since the server has to send data at a faster rate than that at which it was encoded; on corporate/LAN environments, this might not be problem, but over dial-up networks, such a system might not be feasible. (2) Because time-compression is performed after the audio is decompressed on the client, the audio quality degradation will in the may be worse compared to scheme-1; applying time-compression before encoding audio (as in scheme-1) results in better quality. (3) It requires potentially complex changes to the client especially in components relating to the data pipeline.. Sophisticated Real-Time Client-Side Solution The method scheme described above can be improved by having the client perform flow-control in order to drive the rate at which the server streams data to it. For example, the client can monitor its buffer and have the server send data at a rate such that its buffer remains in steady state. The client could also have the server tag incoming data samples with the rate at which they were sent. Then, when the user switches speedup-factors, the client tells the server to send at the new rate, and only invoke time-compression when it receives the data for that rate. In addition, the client would track I-frames so that speedup-factor transitions occur at clean boundaries. The net effect of these optimizations is that the client would eliminate or at least minimize startup latency that results from buffering. This technique shares all the advantages of the previous method. However, it is much more complicated than the simple client-side solution; potentially complex changes to both the client and the server are required. The characteristics of the three methods are summarized in  REF _Ref429487790 \h Table 1Table 1Table 1Table 1Table 1Table 1  REF _Ref430059566 \p below. Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: Alternatives for Building Time-Compression into Client-Server Multimedia Streaming Systems. Multiple Pre-Processed Server-Side FilesSimple Real-Time Client-Side SolutionSophisticated Real-Time Client-Side SolutionAllowed Speed-up Factor GranularityDiscrete onlyDiscrete and Continuosontinuous Discrete and Continuosontinuous Additional Storage Demands?YesNoNoAdditional Bandwidth Demands?NoYesYesAdded Complexity?MinimalYes, on clientYes, significantly, on clientLimits Scalability?NoNoNoWorks with Existing Media Files?NoYesYesPreserves audio signal quality?Yes, very wellYes, reasonably wellYes, reasonably wellLatency while Switching Speedup-Factors?YesYesNoOther techniques for building client-server time-compression systems involve optimizations to the aforementioned methods. For instance, the server can also perform time-compression in real time, and on compressed data. This requires the support of the compressor (or codec) and should result in higher quality output. However, having the server do this would limit scalability. Further changes can be made to optimize bandwidth usage. TIME-COMPRESSION SYSTEM USED IN STUDY We built the time-compression system by modifying an existing multimedia streaming system, the Microsoft NetShow"! product. To enable user control of time-compression, several changes were made to the client so it corresponded to the  simple real-time client-side solution. The user-interface and the implementation were changed to support full control of granularity of time-compression allowed and the latency experienced by the end user.  REF _Ref430059363 Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1Figure 1 and  REF _Ref430059367 Figure 3Figure 2Figure 3Figure 2Figure 2 show the user interface.. First, an audio time-scale-modification filter was added to the client's pipeline, between the decoder and the audio renderer. This filter modifies the decoded data before passing it to the renderer. The human-computer interface of the NetShow player was changed to enable users to specify a speedup factor (see  REF _Ref430059363 Figure 1 and  REF _Ref430059367 Figure 2  REF _Ref430059391 \p below). When the speedup factor is passed to the client, the entire client-side data pipeline is informed that data is travelling at a different rate.  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: The modified user interface for Microsoft NetShow"!, showing the new time-compression UI elements. Notice that the status bar reflects the current speedup-factor.  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 32322: The modified user interface for the  Options dialog box in Microsoft NetShow"!, showing the new time-compression UI elements. Notice the slider control for the speedup-factor and the  normal speed-up button that allows users to quickly go back to regular speedup. When a user selects a speedup factor, the client informs the server to start sending the data to it at the new rate proportional to the speedup factor. Once the data reaches the client, the source filter of the client (the first stage of the client's data pipeline) changes the presentation times of all the streams. To do this, it divides each presentation time by the speedup factor. For example, if the second presentation time in the media file is 50 ms, and the speedup factor is 0.5, the new presentation time is 100 ms (since, in this case, time is getting "stretched"). The source filter then hands the data to the downstream stages (or filters). Once the audio data reaches the audio time-scale-modification filter (which happens after it has been decompressed), the filter, as described above, modifies the data and hands it to the audio renderer for playback. By changing the presentation times of the video stream, we also change the duration of each frame. The video renderer simply uses this information to render the frame. Since the audio stream is time-scale-modified by the filter and the video stream is modified implicitly by the video renderer, the audio and video streams remain in sync. Finally, the player is designed to adjust the latency of playback after a change in time-compression setting to model the three scenarios described in the previous section. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Subjects To explore user responses to time-compression and the tradeoffs described, fifteen subjects participated in two study sessions in the Microsoft Usability Labs. They were recruited from a pool of participants previously indicating interest in participating in usability testing at Microsoft. Subjects were intermediate or better Windows users who indicated interest in the topic areas of the videos to be presented. They were given software products for their participation. Experimental Procedure Conditions Tested All subjects completed five conditions. The first was the control condition, where no time- compression was available. The other four were derived from two values for each of two control parameters. The first parameter was latency, i.e., the time following a speedup adjustment before the video resumed playing. The values used for this were 0 and 7.5 seconds, the latter chosen to reflect typical latency for NetShow today. The second parameter was granularity, representing the step-size for possible speedup adjustments. The two settings used were continuous and discrete. For the continuous case we use granularity of 0.01, and for the discrete case granularity of 0.25 (allowing speedup factors of 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, etc). The five conditions we study thus are: CG-LL, CG-NL, DG-LL, DG-NL (CG/DG for continuous vs. discrete granularity, and LL/NL for long-latency vs. no-latency), and no-TC (no time-compression). Based on Section 3, the three conditions of primary interest are CG-LL, CG-NL, and DG-LL. Subject Tasks The subjects watched five 25 - 40 minute videos. Two were Discovery Channel"! videos on sharks and grizzly bears, and three were talks from ACM s 50th Anniversary Conference  The Next 50 Years of Computing held in March 1997. We used talks by Raj Reddy, Bran Ferren and Elliot Soloway. The videos ranged from being easy to watch and visually stimulating to being more intellectually challenging and requiring concentration. Subjects were asked to assume that they were in a hurry as they needed to summarize the videos contents during a departmental meeting scheduled for later that day. After watching each video, the subjects made a 3-5 minute verbal summary of it. The summaries were subjectively rated by the experimenter for accuracy and detail on a scale from 1 to 4. The videos were viewed in the same sequence by all subjects,, but we counterbalanced the five four latency-granularity and control conditions. The subjects experienced the conditions in different orders. The subjects watched the videos over two days/sessions. The first session began by filling out a background questionnaire. After completing a training session where they familiarized themselves with the operation of the software, they watched the first two videos (the ACM talk by Raj Reddy and the Discovery Channel"! video on sharks). During the second study session, the subjects watched the remaining three videos: an ACM talk by Bran Ferren, a Discovery Channel"! documentary on grizzly bears, and another ACM talk by Elliot Soloway. The second study session ended with the subjects completing a post-study questionnaire and participating in a debriefing session where they discussed their impressions of the time compression feature. While watching the videos, the subjects had full control. They could play, pause, stop, adjust the volume, and move to specific parts of the video via a seek bar. The client computer logged these actions: "Open," "Play," "Pause," "Stop," "Seek," "Change Speedup-Factor," and "Close." Also recorded were the positions associated with Seek events and speedup-factors associated with the Change Speedup-Factor events. RESULTS We now report on how the use of time-compression varied with the control conditions, the subjects usage behavior across time and videos, number of adjustments made, and the savings in task-time.The five conditions we tested are summarized below in  REF _Ref430235442 Table 2. We note, however, that only 1 through 4 (No-TC through DG-LL) are of interest to us from a systems perspective (as discussed in Section 3). For that reason, in this section, we will focus only on those. Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: Conditions tested in experiments Use of Time Compression The first measure of interest is the average-compression-rate used by the subjects as a function of the conditions. It is calculated based on the amount of time spent at each compression factor:  EMBED Equation.3  Equation  SEQ Equation \* ARABIC 1: Average compression rate. usertime(i) is length of the ith contiguous playing time at a given compression factor. A new interval begins when the compression-factor is changed. All pause times to take notes, etc are excluded in this measure (we will look at them later, when we consider the total-task-time). Our thinking before the study was as follows: Continuous vs. Discrete granularity: On one side we felt that continuous granularity would lead to greater savings in time, because the subjects would move to the highest possible speedup factor usable for that specific video segment. E.g., If a video segment was not understandable at 1.5-fold speedup (feasible in the discrete case), they may watch it at 1.4-fold speedup rather having to go down to 1.25-fold speedup (the only option in the discrete case). On the other hand, we could just as well argue that discrete granularity would lead to greater savings in time. Our reasoning was that if a video-segment could be watched with extra-concentration at 1.5-fold speedup, then in the discrete case the users may continue to watch at that higher speed than switch all the way down to 1.25 speedup. In contrast, for the continuous case, they may decide to lower the speed-up down to 1.4. No-latency vs. Long latency: Here also, our intuition was conflicting. On one side, we felt that no-latency would lead to higher overall speed-up, as subjects would be more prone to making frequent adjustments to match the current video segment. As in the continuous-vsvs.-discrete case, however, the fixed speed that the long-latency subjects use could be faster than what the no-latency subjects were using (at the cost of more concentration), so the outcome is unclear.  REF _Ref430241946 Table 4Table 3Table 4Table 3Table 4Table 3 presents the average-compression-rate across all subjects and conditions. The first thing that we observe is that the average-compression-rate, across all subjects and conditions, is quite substantial (avg=1.42). If one considers the total length of all five videos (~2.5 hours), this implies a savings of about 45 minutes. Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 434343: Average Compression Rate Across Subjects and Conditions. Subject No.CG-LLCG-NLDG-LLDG-NLAverageStd Dev11.451.311.481.371.400.0821.471.51.341.41.430.0731.681.711.51.51.600.1141.321.371.361.251.330.0551.421.351.331.251.340.0761.571.711.581.511.590.0871.061.181.361.141.190.1381.371.431.421.411.410.0391.431.431.461.481.450.02101.411.421.461.271.390.08111.441.391.481.421.430.04121.521.441.351.41.430.07131. Dev0. Quite to our surprise, we found that there are no significant differences in the average-compression-rate achieved when using the three main conditions of interest to us (CG-LL, CG-NL, and DG-LL) (repeated measures ANOVA, p = n.s.). In fact, if we look at the details of the individual subjects, we see that there truly is not much of a pattern. We found the subjects to be quite diverse in their usage patterns. For example, considering latency effects, while 6 of the 15 subjects (1, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13) perform faster under CG-LL, the rest operate faster under CC-NL. Similarly, considering granularity affects, while 5 of the 15 subjects perform faster under CG-LL, the rest do faster under DG-LL. It appears that the counter-acting factors that we thought about before the study, do seem to be balancing out in actual practice. Looking at the individual subjects, we see considerable variation in the speed-up factors they used (averaged across all conditions). The fastest three got averaged 1.65, 1.60, and 1.59, while the slowest three got averaged 1.18, 1.18, and 1.32. This is not too surprising given the variation in the subjects---e.g., the 16-year old high-school student (subject 3) averaging 1.60 speed-up to the 60-year old ladyold retired person (subject 13) averaging 1.18 speed-up. So, what are the implications for designers? The key implication is that implementers should feel free to choose the simplest solution, DG-LL, barring the storage overhead on the server side. If this storage overhead is not acceptable, then CG-LL should provide similar benefits to end-users at much less complexity than CG-NL. Usage Over Time and Across Videos Another question for us was How does users behavior change as they watch a video? Previous work [OFW65, VM65] suggests that training on time-compressed speech increases peoples ability to use higher speed-up factors. We wanted to see if those observations would apply in our case within the same video, and also across videos (i.e., greater speed-up factor used for videos later in the sequence).  REF _Ref430319230 Figure 5Figure 3Figure 5Figure 3Figure 3Figure 4 shows the speed-up factor across time for the five videos. The videos appear in the same order in which they were watched by the subjects. Looking first at change in speed-up used within a video, we see some interesting results. For the Reddy and Shark videos (these two videos were watched on the first day of the subjects visit to the Usability lab) we clearly see that the subjects are watching them faster as they get deeper into the video. There is some slowdown right at the end, an area that corresponds to the concluding remarks. Surprisingly, for the latter three videos, which were watched on a subsequent day (their second visit), the pattern is quite different. The subjects start watching the video at a higher speed-up factor (between 1.35-1.4, in contrast to 1.23-1.28), but overall there is no consistent pattern over the duration of the session. Our hypothesis is that on the first day, time-compression was a novel feature for the subjects, and they tried to push their limits. As indicated by past literature, they started conservatively and by end got to pretty quite high speed-up factors. In contrast, on the second day, time-compression was already old hata familiar feature. The subjects started higher at a higher compression-rate based on their previous days experience, and just only made local adjustments over the duration of the session. This suggests that in the long-term, when time-compression feature is more universally available, we are more likely to observe the latter behavior. We look next at change in speed-up across videos.We now see if subjects used higher compression-rate for videos later in the sequence. From  REF _Ref430319230 Figure 5Figure 3Figure 5Figure 3Figure 3Figure 4, the numbers are 1.43, 1.46, 1.44, 1.43, 1.34 respectively. Clearly, there is no increase across videos (repeated means ANOVA = n.s.), as may have been predicted based on earlier literature [Orr71, VM65].  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 535334: Average speed-up factor as function of time offset within the video. Each bar corresponds to 10% of the length of the video. The average speedup factors and standard deviations for each video are shown below the x-axis. Number of Adjustments One of the things we wanted to learn from the study was How many adjustments do the subjects make? Will they just make 2-3 in the beginning and settle in with no more adjustments for the rest of the talk, or will they make tens of adjustments, fine-tuning all along the talk. We did not have any strong predictions before the study (other than there are likely to be more at the beginning of the talk), and we did not know of any previous work to guide our thinking.  REF _Ref430429742 Figure 7Figure 4Figure 7Figure 4  REF _Ref430317728 \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 5Figure 5 REF _Ref430312800  shows the distribution of adjustments made by subjects (averaged across all conditions) over the length of the session (video???) for each of the videos. We see that the average number of adjustments across the videos is quite small (between 2.5 and 4.5) and not in the tens of adjustments. As expected, they tend to occur more in the beginning, though subjects are certainly adjusting throughout the session as can be seen for Reddy, Shark, Ferren, and Grizzly videos. If almost all adjustments had been in the beginning of the videos, then a design implication would have been that we could avoid all client modifications, and just provide the end-users with multiple URLs for different speed videos. The data indicate that it is indeed important to allow adjustments throughout the video rather than just a pre-selection mechanism.  EMBED Excel.Sheet.8  Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7474: Average number of adjustments to speed-up factor distributed over time. Each bar corresponds to 10% of the length of the video. The numbers below the X-axis show the average number of adjustments made for that video during the whole session, and the s Figure  SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5: Average number of adjustments to speed-up factor distributed over time. Each bar corresponds to 10% of the length of the video. The numbers below the X-axis show the average number of adjustments made for that video during the whole session, and the standard deviation across subjects.average speedup factors and standard deviations for each video are shown below the x-axis. At a finer level, we were also interested in understanding how these numbers changed with the latency-granularity conditions we were studying. Here our expectation was simply that there would be more adjustments for the lower-latency condition, as it was less disrupting to the viewer. It was tough to predict for continuous-versus-discrete granularity cases, as there were counter-acting factors---continuous provided opportunity for lots of fine-grain adjustments, while discrete would cause people to switch back-and-forth often when they were pushing their limits.  REF _Ref430248539 Table 6Table 4Table 6Table 4Table 6Table 6 shows the average number of adjustments the subjects made as a function of the conditions. The averages are quite similar (3.1, 3.7, 3.5, and 3.9 respectively) and we found no statistically significant differences (repeated measures ANOVA, p = n.s.). At least for the limited number of subjects we used, our expectation that no-latency condition would lead to higher adjustments is not borne out as significanthere. On the whole, we see no particular systems design implications, as the magnitudes are small and similar (3-4 adjustments over a period of 45 minutes). Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 64646: Average Adjustments aAcross Subjects and Conditions Subject No.CG-LLCG-NLDG-LLDG-NLAverageStd Dev133494.82.923131299.34.5353133.01.6432322.50.6558635.52.1668666.51.0721432.51.3857164.82.6922353.01.41021221.80.51132163.02.21231211.81.01322222.00.01411111.00.01521412.01.4AvgAvg. Dev1. Interestingly, although the data indicate that neither latency nor speedup-factor granularity affected user behavior, several subjects commented in post-study debriefing that the long latency and discrete granularity conditions had affected their use of the time compression feature. The subjects felt that they made fewer adjustments and watched at a lower compression rate when long latency and discrete granularity were used. This indicates that from a product-design (marketing) perspective, these psychological factors may be the primary driving forces to push for the lower-latency continuous-granularity functionality. Savings in Task Time A bottom-line measure of the utility of the time-compression feature is the amount of time it saves in performing the task. For example, a subject using time-compression may find himself/herself reviewing the content more often due to decreased comprehension, thus negating some of the benefits from the use of time compression. In this subsection we quantify these factors. We decompose task-time into five components: view-time, review-time, pause-time, seek-time, and latency-time. View-time is when a user is watching the video content for the first time. Review-time is the time a user spends reviewing already watched portions of video (this was time spent throughout the session rather than just at the end of the session). Pause-time is when the player is paused, e.g., while taking notes. Seek-time is due to the stall (e.g., for buffer fill) that occurs each time the subject seeks to a different point in the video. Latency-time is due to stall after each change in time-compression adjustment.  REF _Ref429990904 \h Table 8Table 5Table 8Table 5Table 8Table 8 lists the components of task time for the different granularity-latency conditions. As we expected, we find that the review time does go up when time-compression is used---mean of 15764 seconds across all conditions with time-compression versus 12609 seconds with no time-compression. Overall, subjects seemed to be spending about 98-110% of their time reviewing the videos with time compression. The data show that pause time was also quite substantial (43-139%), but varied widely across the conditions. The contribution of the buffering latency to overall task-time was minor (for both video-seeks and time-compression adjustments). Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 85858: Components of task time under different conditions. TimeCG-LLCG-NLDG-LLDG-NLNO-TCseconds%seconds%seconds%seconds%seconds%View128912898184132513257783134913498182139313938585188318838890Review150148991731731081751741110161161101012610964Pause927063216216139686244 92926512212266Seek/Play202011000037372200000000Latency404033000035352200000000Total1591156717141713166416561646164621312114Speedup1.341.351. The need to review content also brought us some valuable user-interface feedback from the subjects. When using high speed-up factors, the subjects would find that they had just gone past some interesting statement that they did not follow. They would want to back-up in the video (say 15 seconds), but the seek-bar in the interface provided only a very blunt control for that (e.g., 30 minutes represented over 3 inches). As a result, users would end-up backing too much most of the time. Specific controls/buttons that would say back-up 5/10/15/30/60 seconds would have been quite valuable. User Feedback and Comments Perceived Value of Time-Compression In a post-study questionnaire, subjects were asked to rated several aspects of the time compression feature.  REF _Ref429918875 \h Table 10Table 6Table 10Table 6Table 10Table 12 summarizes the results of these questions. Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1061061012: Average subject ratings for time compression feature. Ave Rating* Question 6.53I liked having the time compression feature.6.67I found the time compression feature useful.6.40I would use this software to watch videos again.6.33I feel that I saved a significant amount of time by using the time compression feature.* where 1 = not useful, strongly disagree, etc., and 7 = very useful, strongly agree. The results of the questionnaire indicate that, in general, the subjects liked the feature very much. One subject noted I think it will become a necessity if introduced on a large scale; once people have experienced time compression they will never want to go back. Makes viewing long videos much, much easier. Another subject pointed out Many times you spend a lot of time wading through information that is not related to your needs. This speeds up that process. Yet another subject wrote Sure, it saves time and people are always short on time. In our survey, 87% of the subjects reported that they either loved the feature or found it very useful. However, several subjects wrote that they would use the time compression feature at work or at school for information-related content but not at home for entertainment. Two of the subjects mentioned that paradoxically, at higher speedup-factors, they paid more attention to the videos than at lower factors. One subject noted "My attention span was kept intact. With the slower pace, my attention span actually wavered, and I focused on too much detail. For summarizing, the faster pace is helpful and forces me to concentrate on the major points." Perceived Time Savings On the questionnaire, we asked the subjects whether they actually saved time by using the time-compression feature. Surprisingly, most subjects said they were not sure of whether they saved time or not. One wrote "I'm not sure if I actually saved a significant amount of time, but it sure felt like I did." Possibly, once users get used to the time-compression feature, they regard the compressed time as though it were normal time. This is supported anecdotally by the fact that one subject insisted that the time compression feature was broken and he had just viewed the video at the recorded speed. Features Requested by Subjects to Complement Time-Compression About a third of the users said that they also needed bookmarks or a table of contents in order to quickly browse the videos. In general, they implied that time-compression in and of itself is not enough to give users the ability to browse and skim videos effectively. This suggests that time-compression should be employed in concert with other features to give users the power to quickly interact with multimedia content. RELATED WORK Signal processing aspects of time-compression algorithms, such as OLA, SOLA, and P-SOLA, have been studied since 1950s [ML50, Gar53a, Gar53b, FEJ54, Neu78, Hej90, Aro92]. These studies are complementary to our work. In contrast, our work focuses on systems research issues that arise in integrating these algorithms into client-server systems. Issues of latency, granularity, scalability of servers, constraints of constant-bandwidth channels for multiple streams, are issues that they do not deal with. A significant amount of work exists in the areas of intelligibility and comprehension of time-compressed speech [Aro92, BeM76, FST69, Har95, TCS84]. In his discrete-granularity study, Harrigan [Har95] found that students used average speed-up of ~1.3, a little lower than our numbers (~1.4) but similar. In their study, Tarquin et. al. [TCS84] found that for compression-rates up to 70% (corresponding to a speedup-factor of about 1.4), student performance with time-compressed tutorial tapes was at least as good as that with tapes played back at normal-speed. Some researchers have also observed that the limiting factor in comprehension and intelligibility is the word rate and not the compression rate or speedup-factor. Foulke and Sticht [FST69] discovered that the mean preferred compression rate was 82% (i.e., a speedup-factor of 1.25) corresponding to a word rate of 212wpm. Although we have not measured the word-rate in our videos, we have observed that they are quite diverse. In contrast to [FST69], we found that the compression-rate used was about the same for all the videos. The wWork of Heimen et al [HLL+86] seems to support our results. It has been observed in other studies that exposure to time-compressed speech increases both intelligibility and comprehension. Orr [OFW65] noticed that listeners with no prior exposure to time-compression can tolerate speedup-factors of up to 2.0 but that with 8-10 hours of training, significantly higher speedup-factors are possible. Voor [VM65] also found that comprehension levels of speech increased with practice. Our results are somewhat different. For the first day they subjects showed that viewers used higher speed-ups within a video as time progressed. On the second day, however, no such trends were observed. The viewers subjects seemed to find their sweet-spotpreferred speedup range quickly and not failed to move too much from there. There have been several studies on applications of time-compression technology as small hardware devices (like voice-mail systems) [Sar84]. More recently, work has also been done on speech-skimming hardware devices [Aro92, Aro97, Rvi92, DMS92, SAS+93]. In addition, several classroom educational studies have been performed [Har95, Sti97]. Of these, the closest study to ours is Harrigans [Har95] wherein he offered students time-compressed lectures at three distinct speedups, 1.0, 1.18, and 1.36 and found that 75% of the time, the students preferred the lectures at 1.36 times speed. Stifelmans [Sti97] study included an examination of the educational use of time-compression but the goal of her work was less on time-compression and more on issues relating to speech annotations. None of the studies have looked at the tradeoffs in use of time-compression from a latency and granularity perspective, as done here. CONCLUDING REMARKS A key feature in future client-server streaming-media solutions will be time-compression. From an implementation perspective, designers of such systems will have three choices. First, a simple system with multiple pre-processed server-side files, leading to discrete-granularity and long latency access (DG-LL) for end users. Second, a simple real-time client-side solution, leading to continuous granularity, but long latency (CG-LL) for end-users. Third, a complex real-time client-side solution, leading to continuous granularity, but negligible latency (CG-NL) for end-users. In this paper we presented results that will enable designers to make these tradeoffs. Our data show that under all three conditions, users obtain a substantial speed-upcompression rate of ~1.4. Quite surprisingly though, there are no significant differences in the time-savings under the three conditions. Thus implementers are free to choose the simplest solution, DG-LL, barring the storage overhead on the server side. If this storage overhead is not acceptable, then CG-LL should provide similar benefits to end-users at much less complexity than CG-NL. While some may feel that the results are negative from a study perspective (in that there are no significant differences across conditions), the news is very good for the implementers. We also presented results regarding usage patterns and benefits of time compression. Across all five videos, the savings in task-time was 22%. The subjects made only a small number (3-4) of time-compression adjustments during the course of the video, the majority made towards the beginning of video. Overall, the subjects liked the time-compression feature very much (47% voting loved it and 40% voting very useful). One subject quoted I think it will become a necessity if introduced on a large scale; once people have experienced time compression they will never want to go back. Makes viewing long videos much, much easier. Acknowledgement Thanks to the Microsoft Usability Labs for use of their lab facilities and Mary Czerwinski who assisted in our study designs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Omitted for anonymity. REFERENCES [Aro92] Arons, B. Techniques, Perception, and Applications of Time-Compressed Speech. In Proceedings of 1992 Conference, American Voice I/O Society, Sep. 1992, pp. 169-177.??? 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The average-compression-rate for DG-NL was lower than that for other conditions, but since that condition is not of interest to us (based on Section 3) we do not comment here on the result. >stxNOSdeopt|J_`| ozǾ۵ǬxofHh\s)&HHh`s)&HcHdh`s)&gHHh[s)&HHhZs)&H6W[s)&HhZs)&HcHdhZs)&gHcHdht)&gHHht)&HHht)&HcHdht)&gHHhd\+fH5Hhp\+fHHh]+fHHhe\+fHHhd\+fH%=>e$$$ $< $x<$<<=>e  @}*B !#1#%%'*L./Ŀ~<R<<<{*  {<*  <<V<<< <<0+w? *  <  .e  b`CEƀZs)& & Fd$< & F$F$C$Eƀt)& $4<   PQ/0}ɥɥɥɥɜxo]"Hhes)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhes)&gH"Hhbs)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhbs)&gHcHdhcs)&gHcHdht)&gHHht)&H"Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHHhŋ)HHht)&HcHdhas)&gHHhas)&HHh`s)&HHh\s)&HcHdh\s)&gH$ @}*B !#1#%CEƀZs)&<C$<  5<DPWw#&'ɁoofTfTf"Hhks)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhks)&gH"Hhes)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhes)&gH"Hhjs)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhfs)&gH"Hhfs)&HcHdht)&gH"Hhds)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhds)&gHcHdhcs)&gH"Hhcs)&HcHdht)&gHcHdht)&gHcHdhjs)&gH OWa !5!6!O!P!`!a!b!c!!!!!!!!!&&&&&))j+{++,實vtkcHdhqs)&gH6cHdhps)&gHcHdhos)&gHHhos)&Hj}UjU jUcHdhns)&gH"Hhns)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhls)&gH"Hhms)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhms)&gHcHdht)&gH"Hhks)&HcHdht)&gH)%%'*L.//O2wCEƀZs)&.<CEƀZs)&.,,8-|--------- . .K.L......// /11111111z5~5555777I7J7]7777%8)8=8A89ȩHhvs)&HcHdhvs)&gHHhus)&HcHdhus)&gH Wts)&Hhss)&HHhŋ)HcHdhŋ)gH65cHdhss)&gHHhrs)&HcHdhrs)&gHHhqs)&HcHdhqs)&gH6cHdhqs)&gH2//O22v33z587S9y9Q;<9>'ATACF~FFFFFF G.GOGpGqGGGĶ{vqmhc^YUPK            +,  Y      6&<-<(*   (<<<<*   <><<*  <*  <*   O22v33z587S9wCEƀZs)&.<CEƀZs)&S9y9Q;<9>'ATACF~FFFFwsnii$$$$6CEƀZs)&.<CEƀZs)&. 999P;U;[;<A=I=R=S=T=U===>> >8>9>a>d>r>v>|>>>>@)@.@9@A@V@@%A&AXAxxxofocHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HHhs)&HHhs)&HHhs)&HcHdht)&gH"Hhms)&HcHdht)&gHHht)&HHhms)&HcHdhms)&gHcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdhs)&gH%XA_AfAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE̺nZH4&Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gHmH"Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gH&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmH"Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gH&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH"Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgH&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmH"Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHHhj+HmHHhj+HjU jUHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHEEEEEEEEEEFFFFF F!F~FFFF G`?`\`a`f`{````ż{k[Hhs)&H6Ws)&Hhs)&H6Ws)&Hhs)&HHhs)&HHhs)&H6cHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdht)&gHcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gHmH5 jUcHdh_t)&gHmH&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmHC[W[`[;]R]yw4CEƀZs)&.<CEƀZs)&.CEƀZs)&R]d]?`YagadfjbltCEƀZs)&..<C$<CEƀZs)&..```Xa&c*cCfDfEfafffkfffkkalbljll-mcmdmwmxm~mmmNnUnVnknlnmnnnypbpbWbcHdhs)&gHmHjUcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gHmHjUcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HHhs)&H *Hhs)&HHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHcHdht)&gHHht)&HH*Hhs)&HHhs)&HHhs)&H6Ws)&"bljlOnnnnoooopqupm6$$$CEƀZs)&.<CEƀZs)& nnnnnoopoooooooooooooooopq5qttuuujvkvlvvvvvvv蝒l&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmH"Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHHhj+HmHHhj+HcHdhht)&gHHhŋ)HcHdhŋ)gH6 6H*hnH hnH  6hnH mH jQEHUj"9 UVmH jUcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gH%opqrtjvkvwPx\xbxhxnxtx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxĿ{vqlgc^Y                                       $  *  0  6  B6<'<(<<<<<"qrtjvkvwPx\xbxhxnxtx|xx$$6$<C<EƀZs)& vvvvvvvvvvww xxxxxxxxxPx\xtxȴzuuujVڴzuJ=5B*CJOJQJhnH 5CJOJQJhnH &Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmHHhj+HmH jUcHdht)&gHmHcHdht)&gH&Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gHmH"Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gH&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmH"Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gH&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH"Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHtxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyy%y&y(yFyGyIygyhyjyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzz0z1z4zRzSzVzsztzwz{z|zzzzzzz&{]{v{w{{ʶcHdhs)&gHcHdhs)&gHhnH 'Hhŋ)H5CJOJQJhnH '5CJOJQJcHdhŋ)gHhnH B*CJOJQJhnH B*OJQJhnH 5CJOJQJhnH =xxxxxxxxx$$p$$4֞p@                 xxxxxxxxx|$$f$$ ֞p@ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyy|$$f$$ ֞p@ xxxxxxxxxxxxxyyy yyyy y%y&y(y-y2y7yzCzHzMzRzSzVz[z`zdziznzsztz|wrmhc^Z  $  )  .  2  7  <  ?@  E  J  O  T  Y  ^  ab  g  l  q  v  {                    "!z&z+z0z1z4z9z>zCzHzMzRzSzVz[z`zdzizf$$ ֞p@ $$iznzsztz|zzzzzzz|f$$ ֞p@ $$ tz|zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz}8˂2 Ɋ΋ϋĿ}xupk]XS<<*   9H6Mh< <<x<K<L*   L<<<                             zzzzzzzzz|$$f$$ ֞p@ zzz}8˂NCEƀZs)&.<(df$$ ֞p@ {{{|Q|~~~~~~˂̂߂ȿ|hVB&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmH"Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gH&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH"Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgH&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmH"Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHHhj+HmHHhj+H jUHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHhnH j0JUhnH NU[ɇ38= /<=ypg\Hhj+HmHHhj+HcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HHhs)&HHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdhs)&gHHhs)&HcHdhs)&gH jUcHdht)&gHmHcHdht)&gH&Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gHmH"Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gH2 Ɋ΋ϋÒkCEƀZs)&.F9C$Eƀ6$<C$< ʼnƉ͉ΉՉ։݉މ߉HfŊȴ|h_TOF=92 jUmH56Hhs)&HHhs)&H jUcHdht)&gHmHcHdht)&gH&Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gHmH"Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gH&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmH"Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gH&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH"Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgH&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmH"Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHŊƊNJȊЊъ6͋΋ϋύЍ׍؍ï|yri[RIHhj+HHhst)&HjHhst)&HUcHdhht)&gH 5Wtt)&mHcHdht)&gHmH&Hht)&HcHdh_t)&gHmH&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmH&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmHHhj+HmH jU jUmH jTUmHjf9 UVmH؍ߍȴwi`iH.3Hht)&H *Wt)&cHdh_t)&gHmH/Hht)&H *Wt)&cHdh_t)&gHcHdhst)&gHjUcHdhst)&gHHhst)&HjHhst)&HU&Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gHmH"Hht)&HcHdhŋ)gH&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH"Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgH&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmH"Hh]+fHcHdhj+gH &')<>?45‘wcO&Hhŋ)HcHdhd\+fgHmH&Hh]+fHcHdhj+gHmHHhj+HmHjHhrt)&HUHhrt)&H jU[Ujc9 UVmH jUHhs)&HHhst)&HcHdhs)&gHcHdhqt)&gHcHdhst)&gHjUcHdhst)&gH *cHdht)&gHmH *cHdht)&gHÒ`p|™ęș̙͙ϙљә¼|wrmid_Z                          "  $  &  (  * +   3   ; 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