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A lot of research efforts have been done to automate the mapping creation process. However, all approaches require human feedback at some point, to solve semantic heterogeneities. It is thus necessary be able to check whether the resulting mappings satisfy the expected needs and requirements. Few work has been done in this area.@ 2 ($    D   04V1)0+6 tThe Research The main goal is to propose a method for testing whether a mapping satisfies some desirable properties. We will extend the CQC method which we successfully applied to the validation of database schemas. Main steps:@ 2 2 $   D;c3  0tM=@P/" oWe have proved that the four properties can be expressed in terms of query liveliness in a relational database."p 2p  p  DV  0z/60ED<4___PPT9 DIdentify relevant properties to validate. Validate mappings according to these properties in the context of relational databases. Extend the previous results to mappings between different types of models (XML, OO, etc.) Develop a tool able to, given a mapping and its models, perform tests to check the desirable properties.E% E  E D8XG  0"`g/  uMapping inference allows us to check for redundant mapping formulas. Mapping losslessness allows us to check whether some data is captured by mapping. It is a generalization of query answerability. Query answerability checks whether the exact answer of a query is preserved by mapping. Mapping satisfiability allows us to ensure that the mapping contains no contradiction. v5 v v  D>  0"` "/k- pA query is not lively if it returns an empty answer for all database instances. We can check it with the CQC method. We can define a new schema putting together the mapped models and incorporating the mapping in form of additional constraints. Then, for each property we can define a query such that its liveliness determines if the property holds or not. q5 q q  D0  0\ @/d nTwo important properties of mappings are defined in the literature: mapping inference and query answerability."o 2o  o  D2  0@P/j pWe have also proposed and formalized two additional properties: mapping satisfiability and mapping losslessness."q 2q  q  D  0 @p0  yCurrent State of the Research 2$  D  0-@P/^1 SWe are currently working on computing explanations when the properties do not hold."T 2T  T  Dl  6Ԕ"`a&l  6Ԕ"`(Fl  6Ԕ"`@012f ! 0"`!H Hf " 0"`# !Hf # 0"``% 2rf $ 0"`q`1!2, % <΄4@%O6 lExample of Mapping   D< & <Ԅ"`7I-9 Demployees(name, category, happiness-degree) categories(name, salary)>E # ED[ ' <"`:I"-< Ihappy-employees(name, happiness-degree) all-employees(name, salary)>J(( D> ( 0D='@ Hselect name, happiness-degree from employees where happiness-degree > 10XI  I D ) 0 @&sD Uoselect employees.name, salary from employees, categories where employees.category = categories.nameXp2\9   D * 0X=p':0@ 2select name, happiness-degree from happy-employees>3 3 D + 0XAp'z/C &select name, salary from all-employees>' ' D , <T"`>&}'? V  D - <\7A&}'B V  D . <A"`<@Q"= Mapping formulas:.   Drl / 6Ԕ"`q4@0!E 1 <G"`6@ 7 { Source model:.    Dr 2 <O"`9@ : { Target model:.    Dr 6 <aI0+-3I <Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation== = DV 9 C .Alogoupc-901`%'H  0nF! ? 3380___PPT10.k0 ` ,(   ^  S - %     c $ 9   " H  0h  ? 3380___PPT10.`*r`.&DJF (4J H/ 0|DArialas0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ"DTahomas0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ" DWingdings0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ0DSymbolgs0LLOh+'0|R px    , 8DL,Validation of Mappings Between Data ModelsGuillem RullGuillem Rull78Microsoft PowerPoint@BnY@@@Ϝ+G(Q  (a&    """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3ff333f333333333f33333333f33f3ff3f3f3f3333f33̙33333f333333f3333f3ffffff3f33ff3f3f3f3fff3ffffffffff3ffff̙fff3fffff3fff333f3f3ff3ff33f̙̙3̙ff̙̙̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3ffffffffff!___wwwX4a&A q(qHʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www22222222222mmmmmmmmmmⴳmۻ0Ԗ@DVerdanas0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ" B:.D @n?" dd@  @@`` |p0 9:'"?$b$m),A*"H R$R *Z*tJσ64 0AA E@3|;ʚ;ʚ;g4ddD-0XpA%pP <4ddddc20L80___PPT10 /rLeLLR (4J H/ 0|DArialas0LL Ԗ0ԖDTahomas0LL Ԗ0Ԗ" DWingdings0LL Ԗ0Ԗ0DSymbolgs0LL Ԗ0Ԗ@DVerdanas0LL Ԗ0Ԗ" B:.D @n?" dd@  @@`` |p0 9:'"?$b$m),A*"H R$R *Z*tJσ64 0AA E@3|;ʚ;ʚ;g4dd` 0XpA%pP <4ddddc20L80___PPT10 /&0 `&X& $9%(    0 0 *VALIDATION OF MAPPINGS BETWEEN DATA MODELS +(2+: + D  0ߚ    EGuillem Rull Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Barcelona, Spain2 (295(  F Dd   C <A$MSR Logo 1280x403A+2q   0К a% 4The Motivation Mappings are key elements for any application requiring interaction of heterogeneous data. A lot of research efforts have been done to automate the mapping creation process. However, all approaches require human feedback at some point, to solve semantic heterogeneities. It is thus necessary be able to check whether the resulting mappings satisfy the expected needs and requirements. Few work has been done in this area.@ 2 ($    D   0 1)0+6 tThe Research The main goal is to propose a method for testing whether a mapping satisfies some desirable properties. We will extend the CQC method which we successfully applied to the validation of database schemas. Main steps:@ 2 2 $   D;c3  0 =p/" oWe have proved that the four properties can be expressed in terms of query liveliness in a relational database."p 2p  p  DV  0$ /60ED<4___PPT9 DIdentify relevant properties to validate. Validate mappings according to these properties in the context of relational databases. Extend the previous results to mappings between different types of models (XML, OO, etc.) Develop a tool able to, given a mapping and its models, perform tests to check the desirable properties.E% E  E D8XG  0 "`g /  uMapping inference allows us to check for redundant mapping formulas. Mapping losslessness allows us to check whether some data is captured by mapping. It is a generalization of query answerability. Query answerability checks whether the exact answer of a query is preserved by mapping. Mapping satisfiability allows us to ensure that the mapping contains no contradiction. v5 v v  D>  0 "` " /k- pA query is not lively if it returns an empty answer for all database instances. We can check it with the CQC method. We can define a new schema putting together the mapped models and incorporating the mapping in form of additional constraints. Then, for each property we can define a query such that its liveliness determines if the property holds or not. q5 q q  D0  0  p0d nTwo important properties of mappings are defined in the literature: mapping inference and query answerability."o 2o  o  D2  0 p/j pWe have also proposed and formalized two additional properties: mapping satisfiability and mapping losslessness."q 2q  q  D  0  p0  yCurrent State of the Research 2$  D  0 -p/^1 SWe are currently working on computing explanations when the properties do not hold."T 2T  T  Dl  6Ԕ"`a&l  6Ԕ"`(Fl  6Ԕ"`p012f ! 0  !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrsuvwxyz{|}~tRoot EntrydO)Њ+@PicturesKCurrent User DSummaryInformation(JRPowerPoint Document(&eDocumentSummaryInformation8*Ԗ0Ԗ@DVerdanas0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ" B:.D @n?" dd@  @@`` |p0 9:'"?$b$m),A*"H R$R *Z*tJσ64 0AA E@3|;ʚ;ʚ;g4ddD-0XpA%pP <4ddddc20L80___PPT10 /rFnFUL (4J H/ 0|DArialas0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ"DTahomas0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ" DWingdings0LL*Ԗ0Ԗ0DSymbolgs0LL*Ԗ ՜.+,D՜.+,T   ( 0 Personalizado(Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)e4 ArialTahoma WingdingsSymbolVerdanaDiseo predeterminadoDiapositiva 1 Fuentes usadasPlantilla de diseoTtulos de diapositivaD 4<$_A Guillem RullGuillem RullVersion"`!H Hf " 0"`# !Hf # 0"`%P2rf $ 0"`q1Q2, % <h- 4p&O6 lExample of Mapping   D< & <. "`7y.9 Demployees(name, category, happiness-degree) categories(name, salary)>E # ED[ ' <> "`:yR-< Ihappy-employees(name, happiness-degree) all-employees(name, salary)>J(( D> ( 0M =F'@ Hselect name, happiness-degree from employees where happiness-degree > 10XI  I D ) 0Q @'sD Uoselect employees.name, salary from employees, categories where employees.category = categories.nameXp2\9   D * 0( ='j0@ 2select name, happiness-degree from happy-employees>3 3 D + 0D A'/C &select name, salary from all-employees>' ' D , <x"`>&'? V  D - <yA&'B V  D . <w"`  0 "` "P0k- pA query is not lively if it returns an empty answer for all database instances. We can check it with the CQC method. We can define a new schema putting together the mapped models and incorporating the mapping in form of additional constraints. Then, for each property we can define a query such that its liveliness determines if the property holds or not. q5 q q  D0  0  @0d nTwo important properties of mappings are defined in the literature: mapping inference and query answerability."o 2o  o  D2  0 /j pWe have also proposed and formalized two additional properties: mapping satisfiability and mapping losslessness."q 2q  q  D  0  0  yCurrent State of the Research 2$  D  0 -/^1 SWe are currently working on computing explanations when the properties do not hold."T 2T  T  Dl  6Ԕ"`a&l  6Ԕ"`(Fl  6Ԕ"`012f ! 0"`!H Hf " 0"`# !Hf # 0"`%2rf $ 0"`q12, % <h- 4H&O6 lExample of Mapping   D< & <. "`70.9 Demployees(name, category, happiness-degree) categories(name, salary)>E # ED[ ' <> "`:-< Ihappy-employees(name, happiness-degree) all-employees(name, salary)>J(( D> ( 0M =v'@ Hselect name, happiness-degree from employees where happiness-degree > 10XI  I D ) 0Q @@'sD Uoselect employees.name, salary from employees, categories where employees.category = categories.nameXp2\9   D * 0( ='0@ 2select name, happiness-degree from happy-employees>3 3 D + 0D A'/C &select name, salary from all-employees>' ' D , <x"`>&'? V  D - <yA&'B V  D . <w"`<"= Mapping formulas:.   Drl / 6Ԕ"`q40!E 1 <ž "`6K!7 { Source model:.    Dr 2 <ɞ "`93!: { Target model:.    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