{"id":641571,"date":"2020-03-11T13:40:53","date_gmt":"2020-03-11T20:40:53","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/?post_type=msr-event&p=641571"},"modified":"2022-02-08T10:54:07","modified_gmt":"2022-02-08T18:54:07","slug":"chi-2020","status":"publish","type":"msr-event","link":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/event\/chi-2020\/","title":{"rendered":"Microsoft Research @ CHI 2020"},"content":{"rendered":"

Conference URL:<\/strong> CHI 2020 (opens in new tab)<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

While the CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) event may be cancelled this year, you can still catch up on new research in HCI at Microsoft. Review the accepted papers and participate in a virtual chat experience from April 27 – May 1, 2020.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"featured_media":652368,"template":"","meta":{"msr-url-field":"","msr-podcast-episode":"","msrModifiedDate":"","msrModifiedDateEnabled":false,"ep_exclude_from_search":false,"msr_startdate":"2020-04-27","msr_enddate":"2020-05-01","msr_location":"Virtual","msr_expirationdate":"","msr_event_recording_link":"","msr_event_link":"","msr_event_link_redirect":false,"msr_event_time":"","msr_hide_region":true,"msr_private_event":false,"footnotes":""},"research-area":[13554],"msr-region":[256048],"msr-event-type":[197941],"msr-video-type":[],"msr-locale":[268875],"msr-program-audience":[],"msr-post-option":[],"msr-impact-theme":[],"class_list":["post-641571","msr-event","type-msr-event","status-publish","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","msr-research-area-human-computer-interaction","msr-region-global","msr-event-type-conferences","msr-locale-en_us"],"msr_about":"Conference URL:<\/strong> CHI 2020<\/a>","tab-content":[{"id":0,"name":"About","content":"CHI may be cancelled this year, but you can still catch up on new research in HCI at Microsoft. Find all our CHI-accepted papers here<\/a> and join us on Twitter the week of April 27, 2020 to #ChatWithMSFTResearch<\/a> on compelling topics in human-computer interaction.\r\n\r\n\"CHI\r\n\r\nFrom April\u00a027\u00a0to May 1, 2020 Microsoft Research will host twice daily chat sessions\u00a0on\u00a0Twitter<\/a>\u00a0with\u00a0Microsoft researchers\u00a0from\u00a0different\u00a0research areas\u00a0and labs.\u00a0Each topic will have\u00a0two chat sessions\u00a0so researchers\u00a0and developers\u00a0from\u00a0around\u00a0the world can participate in the\u00a0conversation.\r\n

Topics, questions, and participants<\/h3>\r\n[accordion]\r\n\r\n[panel header=\"Human-Centered AI | April 27 (10 AM PT) and April 28 (10 AM UTC)\"]\r\n
    \r\n \t
  1. What is HCAI and how does it compare to AI and human-centered design research?<\/li>\r\n \t
  2. How does HCAI relate to ethical or responsible AI?<\/li>\r\n \t
  3. What are the pros and cons of modeling AI systems to be close to human-like?<\/li>\r\n \t
  4. What resources and tools should be in any UX designer\u2019s toolkit for working on HCAI?<\/li>\r\n \t
  5. What are open challenges in HCAI?<\/li>\r\n<\/ol>\r\nGroup 1 participants (10 AM PT):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
    \"Saleema<\/td>\r\nDr. Saleema Amershi<\/strong> (@SaleemaAmershi<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at MSR AI helping people create intuitive and responsible AI user experiences.<\/td>\r\n\"Mary<\/td>\r\nDr. Mary Czerwinski<\/strong> (@marycz<\/a>) is a Partner Cognitive Psychologist who manages the Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) research group in MSR AI.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
    \"Javier<\/td>\r\nJavier Hernandez<\/strong> (@javherriv<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher at the Human Understanding and Empathy group and his research is focused on the development of emotionally intelligent tools to further the understanding of humans.<\/td>\r\n\"Gonzalo<\/td>\r\nDr. Gonzalo Ramos<\/strong> (@GonzaloWorks<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at the GRAIL group in MSR+AI, where he focuses in studying and designing experiences where people and machines collaborate to solve complex problems.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
    \"Vaishnavi<\/td>\r\nVaishnavi Ranganathan<\/strong> (@Gardenbug2<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher in the Mobility and Networking Research group, researching wireless sensor networks for health, smart cities, and environment.<\/td>\r\n\"Jaime<\/td>\r\nJaime Teevan<\/strong> (@jteevan<\/a>) is a Chief Scientist at Microsoft. Professor at UW. Mother to four wild boys. #AI #HCI #Productivity #FutureOfWork<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
    \"Mihaela<\/td>\r\nDr. Mihaela Vorvoreanu<\/strong> (@mihaela_v<\/a>) is Head of UX Research for Aether, Microsoft's committee for responsible AI.<\/td>\r\n\"Hanna<\/td>\r\nDr. Hanna Wallach<\/strong> (@hannawallach<\/a>) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR NYC. Her research focuses on issues of fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics as they relate to AI and machine learning.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
    \"Jenn<\/td>\r\nDr. Jenn Wortman Vaughan<\/strong> (@jennwvaughan<\/a>) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR NYC spending the bulk of her time on human-centered approaches to fair and interpretable machine learning.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n
    <\/div>\r\nGroup 2 participants (10 AM UTC):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
    \"Daniel<\/td>\r\nDr. Daniel McDuff<\/strong> (@danmcduff<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at MSR AI in the Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) group.<\/td>\r\n\"Amit<\/td>\r\nAmit Sharma<\/strong> (@amt_shrma<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research India, working on causal reasoning and the role of technology in mental healthcare.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
    \"Anja<\/td>\r\nAnja Thieme<\/strong> (@anja_thieme<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher in the Healthcare Intelligence group at MSR Cambridge. She investigates the design of responsible AI applications for improving mental healthcare.<\/td>\r\n\"Ding<\/td>\r\nDing Wang<\/strong> (@justaburbo<\/a>) is a Postdoc Researcher in Technology for Emerging Markets in Microsoft Research India, and her research focuses the future of healthcare work, specifically how chat app is used as work tools in healthcare settings.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
    \"Denise<\/td>\r\nDenise Wilkins<\/strong> (@DenWilks<\/a>) is a social scientist within an interest in the Future of Work, organizational knowledge, and human-centered AI.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n[\/panel]\r\n\r\n[panel header=\"Accessibility & Health | April 28 (10 AM PT) and April 29 (10 AM UTC)\"]\r\n
      \r\n \t
    1. What are the current trends at the intersection of HCI and health or HCI and accessibility?<\/li>\r\n \t
    2. Do you see new challenges for accessibility and health research considering the recent increase in remote work?<\/li>\r\n \t
    3. What work is being done in accessibility and health research for the developing world?<\/li>\r\n \t
    4. What are some HCI challenges for using AI systems in accessibility research?<\/li>\r\n \t
    5. Which resources and tools should be in any developer\u2019s toolkit for working on accessibility and health?<\/li>\r\n<\/ol>\r\nGroup 1 participants (10 AM PT):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
      \"Meredith<\/td>\r\nMeredith Ringel Morris<\/strong> (@merrierm<\/a>) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR, where she leads the Ability Team; she is a 2020 inductee into the CHI Academy.<\/td>\r\n\"Eyal<\/td>\r\nDr. Eyal Ofek<\/strong> (@Eyal_Ofek<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at MSR EPIC Group, researching virtual reality, augmented reality, and human-computer interaction.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
      \"Vaishnavi<\/td>\r\nVaishnavi Ranganathan<\/strong> (@Gardenbug2<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher in the Mobility and Networking Research group, researching wireless sensor networks for health, smart cities, and environment.<\/td>\r\n\"Teddy<\/td>\r\nDr. Teddy Seyed<\/strong> (@TeddySeyed<\/a>) works at the intersection of wearables, devices, and fashion-tech, designing new experiences and technologies for all.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
      \"Ding<\/td>\r\nDing Wang<\/strong> (@justaburbo<\/a>) is a Postdoc Researcher in Technology for Emerging Markets in Microsoft Research India, and her research focuses the future of healthcare work, specifically how chat app is used as work tools in healthcare settings.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\nGroup 2 participants (10 AM UTC):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
      \"Gesu<\/td>\r\nGesu India<\/strong> (@gesuindia<\/a>) is a Research Fellow working in Technology for Emerging Markets group at MSR India. Her research is focused on using assistive tech to encourage STEM education for children with vision impairments.<\/td>\r\n\"Mohit<\/td>\r\nMohit Jain<\/strong> (@mohit088<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher at MSR India, developing smartphone-based low-cost diagnostics for critical diseases.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
      \"Amit<\/td>\r\nAmit Sharma<\/strong> (@amt_shrma<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research India, working on causal reasoning and the role of technology in mental healthcare.<\/td>\r\n\"Manohar<\/td>\r\nManohar Swaminathan<\/strong> (@swamimanoha<\/a>) is working in the intersection of mixed reality, accessibility, and education.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
      \"Anja<\/td>\r\nAnja Thieme<\/strong> (@anja_thieme<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher in the Healthcare Intelligence group at MSR Cambridge. She investigates the design of responsible AI applications for improving mental healthcare.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n[\/panel]\r\n\r\n[panel header=\"Mixed Reality &\u202fTelepresence | April 29 (10 AM PT) and April 30 (10 AM UTC)\"]\r\n
        \r\n \t
      1. What are the current trends at the intersection of HCI and mixed reality and telepresence?<\/li>\r\n \t
      2. How are you conducting research on mixed reality considering social distancing?<\/li>\r\n \t
      3. What kinds of studies and techniques should researchers consider while working remotely?<\/li>\r\n \t
      4. How can researchers increase access to inclusive mixed reality and telepresence?<\/li>\r\n \t
      5. Which resources and tools should be in any developer\u2019s toolkit for working on mixed reality and telepresence?<\/li>\r\n<\/ol>\r\nGroup 1 participants (10 AM PT):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
        \"Ed<\/td>\r\nEd Cutrell<\/strong> (@edcutrell<\/a>) is a Research Scientist with Microsoft Research, working with the MSR Ability team to explore new technologies for disability and accessibility.<\/td>\r\n\"Eyal<\/td>\r\nDr. Eyal Ofek<\/strong> (@Eyal_Ofek<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at MSR EPIC Group, researching virtual reality, augmented reality, and human-computer interaction.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
        \"Meredith<\/td>\r\nMeredith Ringel Morris<\/strong> (@merrierm<\/a>) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR, where she leads the Ability Team; she is a 2020 inductee into the CHI Academy.<\/td>\r\n\"John<\/td>\r\nJohn Tang<\/strong> (@JCTatWork<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at MSR that focuses on using video and audio to connect people across distance and how to make that accessible.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n
        <\/div>\r\nGroup 2 participants (10 AM UTC):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
        \"Sean<\/td>\r\nSean Rintel<\/strong> (@seanrintel<\/a>) explores the Future of Work at Microsoft Research Cambridge UK, focusing on socially intelligent meetings.<\/td>\r\n\"Manohar<\/td>\r\nManohar Swaminathan<\/strong> (@swamimanoha<\/a>) is working in the intersection of mixed reality, accessibility, and education.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n[\/panel]\r\n\r\n[panel header=\"Visualization,\u202fProductivity,\u00a0&\u202fSoftware Engineering | April 30 (10 AM PT) and May 1 (10 AM UTC)\"]\r\n
          \r\n \t
        1. How has the role of \u201cprogrammer\u201d changed in the era of data science?<\/li>\r\n \t
        2. How can AI improve productivity for software engineers?<\/li>\r\n \t
        3. How has working remotely affected your productivity while maintaining a work\/life balance?<\/li>\r\n \t
        4. How will your current experiences with productivity influence how we think about productivity in the future?<\/li>\r\n \t
        5. How are you managing visualizations during meetings when looking at inclusiveness, scale, and awareness?<\/li>\r\n \t
        6. What challenges occur when evolving and uncertain data is used to create visualizations?<\/li>\r\n<\/ol>\r\nGroup 1 participants (10 AM PT):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
          \"Titus<\/td>\r\nTitus Barik<\/strong> (@barik<\/a>) is a Senior Researcher in PROSE, building development tools for software engineers and data scientists.<\/td>\r\n\"Steven<\/td>\r\nSteven Drucker<\/strong> (@sdrucker<\/a>) is an information visualization researcher, head of the Visualization and Data Analytics group in Microsoft Research, and Papers Co-Chair for CHI2021.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
          \"Jake<\/td>\r\nJake Hofman<\/strong> (@jakehofman<\/a>) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR NYC in the computational social science group.<\/td>\r\n\"Shamsi<\/td>\r\nShamsi Iqbal<\/strong> (@iqbal_st<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at MSR AI focusing on multitasking, productivity and attention management.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n
          \"Gonzalo<\/td>\r\nDr. Gonzalo Ramos<\/strong> (@GonzaloWorks<\/a>) is a Principal Researcher at the GRAIL group in MSR+AI, where he focuses in studying and designing experiences where people and machines collaborate to solve complex problems.<\/td>\r\n\"Teddy<\/td>\r\nDr. Teddy Seyed<\/strong> (@TeddySeyed<\/a>) works at the intersection of wearables, devices, and fashion-tech, designing new experiences and technologies for all.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n
          <\/div>\r\nGroup 2 participants (10 AM UTC):\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
          \"Advait<\/td>\r\nAdvait Sarkar<\/strong> (@advaitsarkar<\/a>) does research on spreadsheets, AI, and user interface design.<\/td>\r\n\"Denise<\/td>\r\nDenise Wilkins<\/strong> (@DenWilks<\/a>) is a social scientist within an interest in the Future of Work, organizational knowledge, and human-centered AI.<\/td>\r\n<\/tr>\r\n<\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n[\/panel]\r\n\r\n[\/accordion]\r\n\r\nFollow along with each chat session with #ChatWithMSFTResearch<\/a>\u00a0on\u00a0Twitter<\/a>."},{"id":1,"name":"Accepted Papers","content":"

          Accepted Papers<\/h3>\r\n*Best Paper, **Honorable Mention Paper<\/em>\r\n\r\nAn Experimental Study of Bias in Platform Worker Ratings: The Role of Performance Quality and Gender<\/strong>\r\nFarnaz Jahanbakhsh, Justin Cranshaw, Scott Counts<\/a>, Walter S. Lasecki, Kori Inkpen<\/a>\r\n\r\n*Beyond the Prototype: Understanding the Challenge of Scaling Hardware Device Production<\/strong><\/a>\r\nRushil Khurana, Steve Hodges<\/a>\r\n\r\nClassification of Functional Attention in Video Meetings<\/strong><\/a>\r\nAnastasia Kuzminykh, Sean Rintel<\/a>\r\n\r\n*Co-Designing Checklists to Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI<\/strong><\/a>\r\nMichael A. Madaio, Luke Stark<\/a>, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan<\/a>, Hanna Wallach<\/a>\r\n\r\nDear Pictograph: Investigating the Role of Personalization and Immersion for Consuming and Enjoying Visualizations<\/strong><\/a>\r\nHugo Romat, Nathalie Henry Riche<\/a>, Christophe Hurter, Steven Drucker<\/a>, Fereshteh Amini, Ken Hinckley<\/a>\r\n\r\nDesign is (A)live: An Environment Integrating Ideation and Assessment<\/strong>\r\nGabriel Britain, Ajit Jain, Nic Lupfer, Andruid Kerne, Aaron Perrine, Jinsil Seo, Annie Sungkajun\r\n\r\nDo I Look Like a Criminal? Examining how Race Presentation Impacts Human Judgement of Recidivism<\/strong>\r\nKeri Mallari, Kori Inkpen<\/a>, Paul Johns<\/a>, Sarah Tan, Divya Ramesh, Ece Kamar<\/a>\r\n\r\nFabriccio: Touchless Gestural Input on Interactive Fabrics<\/strong>\r\nTe-Yen Wu, Shutong Qi, Junchi Chen, MuJie Shang, Jun Gong, Teddy Seyed<\/a>, Xing-Dong Yang\r\n\r\nFacilitating Media Distribution with Monetary Incentives<\/strong>\r\nDevansh Mehta, Amit Sharma<\/a>, Alok Sharma, Ramaravind K. Kommiya Mothilal, Anurag Shukla, Vishnu Prasad, William Thies<\/a>, Venkanna U, Colin Scott\r\n\r\nGridlets: Reusing Spreadsheet Grids<\/strong>\r\nNima Joharizadeh, Advait Sarkar, Andrew D. Gordon, Jack Williams\r\n\r\n**How Visualizing Inferential Uncertainty Can Mislead Readers About Treatment Effects in Scientific Results<\/strong><\/a>\r\nJake M. Hofman<\/a>, Daniel G. Goldstein<\/a>, Jessica Hullman\r\n\r\niMold: Enabling Interactive Design Optimization for In-Mold Electronics<\/strong>\r\nJonathan Ting, Yunbo Zhang, Sang Ho Yoon, James D. Holbery, Siyuan Ma<\/a>\r\n\r\n**InChorus: Designing Consistent Multimodal Interactions for Data Visualization on Tablet Devices<\/strong><\/a>\r\nArjun Srinivasan, Bongshin Lee<\/a>, Nathalie Henry Riche<\/a>, Steven Drucker<\/a>, Ken Hinckley<\/a>\r\n\r\n**Interpreting Interpretability: Understanding Data Scientists' Use of Interpretability Tools for Machine Learning<\/strong><\/a>\r\nHarmanpreet Kaur, Harsha Nori, Samuel Jenkins, Rich Caruana<\/a>, Hanna Wallach<\/a>, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan<\/a>\r\n\r\n\"Like Shock Absorbers\": Understanding the Human Infrastructures of Technology-Mediated Mental Health Support<\/strong><\/a>\r\nSachin R. Pendse, Faisal M. Lalani, Munmun De Choudhury, Amit Sharma<\/a>, Neha Kumar\r\n\r\nLow Engagement As a Deliberate Practice of Remote Participants in Video Meetings<\/strong>\r\nAnastasia Kuzminykh, Sean Rintel<\/a>\r\n\r\nMaking Chat at Home in the Hospital: Exploring Chat Use by Nurses<\/strong><\/a>\r\nNaveena Karusala, Ding Wang<\/a>, Jacki O'Neill<\/a>\r\n\r\nMaking Sense of Search: Using Graph Embedding and Visualization to Transform Query Understanding<\/strong>\r\nJonathan Larson<\/a>, Darren Edge<\/a>, Nathan Evans<\/a>, Christopher White<\/a>\r\n\r\nMoveVR: Enabling Multiform Force Feedback in Virtual Reality using Household Cleaning Robot<\/strong>\r\nYuntao Wang, Zichao (Tyson) Chen, Hanchuan Li, Zhengyi Cao, Huiyi Luo, Tengxiang Zhang, Ke Ou, John Raiti, Chun Yu, Shwetak Patel, Yuanchun Shi\r\n\r\nNews Provenance: Revealing News Text Reuse at Web-Scale in an Augmented News Search Experience<\/strong>\r\nNathan Evans<\/a>, Darren Edge<\/a>, Jonathan Larson<\/a>, Christopher White<\/a>\r\n\r\nNext Steps for Human-Computer Integration<\/strong>\r\nFlorian Floyd Mueller, Pedro Lopes, Paul Strohmeier, Wendy Ju, Caitlyn Seim, Martin Weigel, Suranga Nanayakkara, Marianna Obrist, Zhuying Li, Joseph Delfa, Jun Nishida, Elizabeth M. Gerber, Dag Svanaes, Jonathan Grudin<\/a>, Stefan Greuter, Kai Kunze, Thomas Erickson, Steven Greenspan, Masahiko Inami, Joe Marshall, Harald Reiterer, Katrin Wolf, Jochen Meyer, Thecla Schiphorst, Dakuo Wang, Pattie Maes\r\n\r\nOptimizing for Happiness and Productivity: Modeling Opportune Moments for Transitions and Breaks at Work<\/strong><\/a>\r\nHarmanpreet Kaur, Alex C. Williams, Daniel McDuff<\/a>, Mary Czerwinski<\/a>, Jaime Teevan<\/a>, Shamsi T. Iqbal<\/a>\r\n\r\n**Peer-to-Peer Energy Markets: Understanding the Values of Collective and Community Trading<\/strong><\/a>\r\nDenise J. Wilkins<\/a>, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Mark Levine\r\n\r\n\"Person, Shoes, Tree. Is the Person Naked?\" What People with Vision Impairments Want in Image Descriptions<\/strong><\/a>\r\nAbigale Stangl, Meredith Ringel Morris<\/a>, Danna Gurari\r\n\r\n**Please Call the Specialism: Using WeChat to Support Patient Care in China<\/strong><\/a>\r\nDing Wang<\/a>, Santosh D. Kale, Jacki O'Neill<\/a>\r\n\r\nPrivate Responses for Public Sharing: Understanding Self-Presentation and Relational Maintenance via Stories in Social Media<\/strong>\r\nPenny Tri\u1ec7u, Nancy K. Baym<\/a>\r\n\r\nProxemics Beyond Proximity: Designing for Flexible Social Interaction Through Cross-Device Interaction<\/strong>\r\nJens Emil Gr\u00f8nb\u00e6k, Mille Skovhus Knudsen, Kenton O'Hara<\/a>, Peter Gall Krogh, Jo Vermeulen, Marianne Graves Petersen\r\n\r\nScriptFree: Designing Speech Preparation Systems with Adaptive Visual Reliance Control on Script<\/strong>\r\nJeungmin Oh, Darren Edge<\/a>, Uichin Lee\r\n\r\nSpreadsheet Use and Programming Experience: An Exploratory Survey<\/strong>\r\nAdvait Sarkar<\/a>, Judith W. Borghouts, Anusha Iyer, Sneha Khullar, Christian Canton, Felienne Hermans, Andrew D. Gordon<\/a>, Jack Williams\r\n\r\nStress Monitoring using Multimodal Bio-sensing Headset<\/strong>\r\nJoong Hoon Lee, Hannes Gamper<\/a>, Steven Dong, Siyuan Ma<\/a>, James D. Holbery,\u00a0Jaequelin Remaley, Ivan Tashev<\/a>, Sang Ho Yoon\r\n\r\nTandemTrack: Shaping Consistent Exercise Experience by Complementing a Mobile App with a Smart Speaker<\/strong><\/a>\r\nYuhan Luo, Bongshin Lee<\/a>, Eun Kyoung Choe\r\n\r\nUnderstanding Client Support Strategies to Improve Clinical Outcomes in an Online Mental Health Intervention<\/strong><\/a>\r\nPrerna Chikersal, Danielle Belgrave<\/a>, Gavin Doherty, Angel Enrique, Jorge E. Palacios, Derek Richards, Anja Thieme<\/a>\r\n\r\n**Virtual Reality Without Vision: A Haptic and Auditory White Cane to Navigate Complex Virtual Worlds<\/strong><\/a>\r\nAlexa F. Siu, Mike Sinclair<\/a>, Robert Kovacs, Eyal Ofek<\/a>, Christian Holz, Edward Cutrell<\/a>\r\n\r\nVROOM: Virtual Robot Overlay for Online Meetings<\/strong>\r\nBrennan Jones, Yaying Zhang, Priscilla N. Y. Wong, Sean Rintel<\/a>\r\n\r\n**What's Wrong with Computational Notebooks? Pain Points, Needs, and Design Opportunities<\/strong><\/a>\r\nSouti Chattopadhyay, Ishita Prasad, Austin Z. Henley, Anita Sarma, Titus Barik<\/a>\r\n\r\n*Wrex: A Unified Programming-by-Example Interaction for Synthesizing Readable Code for Data Scientists<\/strong><\/a>\r\nIan Drosos, Titus Barik<\/a>, Philip J. Guo, Robert DeLine, Sumit Gulwani<\/a>"},{"id":2,"name":"Awards","content":"

          Awards<\/h3>\r\nCongratulations to Meredith Ringel Morris and Steven Drucker, who were inducted to the CHI Academy in February 2020<\/a>.\r\n\r\nSIGCHI Lifetime Research Award Talk: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Search<\/strong>\r\nSusan T. Dumais<\/a>\r\n

          CHI 2020 Best Papers<\/h3>\r\nBeyond the Prototype: Understanding the Challenge of Scaling Hardware Device Production<\/strong><\/a>\r\nRushil Khurana, Steve Hodges<\/a>\r\n\r\nCo-Designing Checklists to Understand Organizational Challenges and Opportunities around Fairness in AI<\/strong><\/a>\r\nMichael A. Madaio, Luke Stark<\/a>, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan<\/a>, Hanna Wallach<\/a>\r\n\r\nWrex: A Unified Programming-by-Example Interaction for Synthesizing Readable Code for Data Scientists<\/strong><\/a>\r\nIan Drosos, Titus Barik<\/a>, Philip J. Guo, Robert DeLine, Sumit Gulwani<\/a>\r\n

          Honorable Mentions<\/h3>\r\nHow Visualizing Inferential Uncertainty Can Mislead Readers About Treatment Effects in Scientific Results<\/strong><\/a>\r\nJake M. Hofman<\/a>, Daniel G. Goldstein<\/a>, Jessica Hullman\r\n\r\nInChorus: Designing Consistent Multimodal Interactions for Data Visualization on Tablet Devices<\/strong><\/a>\r\nArjun Srinivasan, Bongshin Lee<\/a>, Nathalie Henry Riche<\/a>, Steven Drucker<\/a>, Ken Hinckley<\/a>\r\n\r\nInterpreting Interpretability: Understanding Data Scientists' Use of Interpretability Tools for Machine Learning<\/strong><\/a>\r\nHarmanpreet Kaur, Harsha Nori, Samuel Jenkins, Rich Caruana<\/a>, Hanna Wallach<\/a>, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan<\/a>\r\n\r\nPeer-to-Peer Energy Markets: Understanding the Values of Collective and Community Trading<\/strong> Denise J. Wilkins<\/a>, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Mark Levine\r\n\r\nPlease Call the Specialism: Using WeChat to Support Patient Care in China<\/strong><\/a>\r\nDing Wang<\/a>, Santosh D. Kale, Jacki O'Neill<\/a>\r\n\r\nVirtual Reality Without Vision: A Haptic and Auditory White Cane to Navigate Complex Virtual Worlds<\/strong><\/a>\r\nAlexa F. Siu, Mike Sinclair<\/a>, Robert Kovacs, Eyal Ofek<\/a>, Christian Holz, Edward Cutrell<\/a>\r\n\r\nWhat's Wrong with Computational Notebooks? Pain Points, Needs, and Design Opportunities<\/strong><\/a>\r\nSouti Chattopadhyay, Ishita Prasad, Austin Z. Henley, Anita Sarma, Titus Barik<\/a>"}],"msr_startdate":"2020-04-27","msr_enddate":"2020-05-01","msr_event_time":"","msr_location":"Virtual","msr_event_link":"","msr_event_recording_link":"","msr_startdate_formatted":"April 27, 2020","msr_register_text":"Watch now","msr_cta_link":"","msr_cta_text":"","msr_cta_bi_name":"","featured_image_thumbnail":"\"CHI","event_excerpt":"While the CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) event may be cancelled this year, you can still catch up on new research in HCI at Microsoft. Review the accepted papers and participate in a virtual chat experience from April 27 - May 1, 2020.","msr_research_lab":[],"related-researchers":[],"msr_impact_theme":[],"related-academic-programs":[],"related-groups":[],"related-projects":[],"related-opportunities":[],"related-publications":[642354,702010,642363,644415,644424,644508,645462,631107,647379,636900,656019,637857,656523,640611,656535,641625],"related-videos":[],"related-posts":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-event\/641571"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-event"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/msr-event"}],"version-history":[{"count":9,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-event\/641571\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":652362,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-event\/641571\/revisions\/652362"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/652368"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=641571"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"msr-research-area","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/research-area?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-region","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-region?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-event-type","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-event-type?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-video-type","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-video-type?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-locale","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-locale?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-program-audience","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-program-audience?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-post-option","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-post-option?post=641571"},{"taxonomy":"msr-impact-theme","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/msr-impact-theme?post=641571"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}