
The Microsoft Audio Video Indexing\u00a0Service (MAVIS)\u00a0uses state of the art speech recognition technology developed at Microsoft Research to enable searching of audio and video files with speech.\u00a0Additionally, MAVIS automatically generates closed captions and keywords\u00a0which can increase\u00a0accessibility and discoverability of audio\u00a0and video files with speech content. MAVIS is available as a cloud service running on the Windows Azure platform.<\/p>\n

MAVIS is now available programmatically through\u00a0Azure Media Services<\/a>\u00a0and referred to as the “Azure Media Services Indexer” (Indexer). The Introducing: Azure Media Indexer<\/a> blog post describes how to\u00a0submit media files to be processed and get results. The MAVIS Portal<\/a> can be used to try out the service.<\/p>\n

At this time\u00a0the Indexer supports English speech content.<\/p>\n

For more information on MAVIS please contact us<\/a>.<\/p>\n\t\t\t
