
This page is an archive of the InkSeine project’s web page. The project is no longer active.<\/h3>\n

The prototype is no longer maintained and does not work on Windows 10. If you have a tablet running Windows 7 or Windows Vista, InkSeine should still work on those platforms. It also has dependencies on older versions of Office, such as for interop with Microsoft Outlook. <\/em><\/p>\n

For those of you who were fans of InkSeine, we are extremely grateful for you trying it out and all of the great comments we received, but sadly we were not able to procure development resources to keep it going over the years. <\/em><\/p>\n

We’re still quite active in this space — hopefully many of you noticed that Windows now supports simultaneous pen and touch input, such as on our Surface Pro line of products — and so we are working to bring you more and better ways to “ink at the speed of thought” in the future, as was our original vision with InkSeine… so thanks very much for helping us to see an exciting glimpse of a still-just-emerging\u00a0reality.<\/em><\/p>\n



InkSeine is a prototype ink application from Microsoft Research (opens in new tab)<\/span><\/a>. It is designed from the ground up to have a user interface uniquely tailored to pen input.<\/p>\n

In a hurry?<\/strong> Install InkSeine now!<\/strong> (opens in new tab)<\/span><\/a><\/h2>\n

The goal of the InkSeine project is to completely rethink the user interface for tablet computers. Some people have described InkSeine as “Windows Journal on steroids.” (opens in new tab)<\/span><\/a> But InkSeine goes well beyond Windows Journal, particularly in its features to search from ink and to easily drag hyperlinks for documents and web pages into your notes.<\/p>\n

Many people ask us how InkSeine relates to Microsoft OneNote (opens in new tab)<\/span><\/a>. InkSeine is complementary to OneNote. OneNote is a great tool with many useful features that you will not find in InkSeine. But InkSeine’s user interface is like nothing you have ever used with your pen before. It takes inking on your Tablet PC to a new level.<\/p>\n