
\"\"Trinity is a general purpose distributed graph system over a memory cloud. Memory cloud is a globally addressable, in-memory key-value store over a cluster of machines. Through the distributed in-memory storage, Trinity provides fast random data access power over a large data set. With the power of fast graph exploration and distributed parallel computing, Trinity supports both low-latency online query processing and high-throughput offline analytics on billion-node scale large graphs.<\/p>\n


Graph Engine 1.0 Preview Released<\/h1>\n<\/div>\n

We are very pleased to announce that the Graph Engine 1.0 preview has finally been released to the public. Graph Engine, previously known as Trinity, is a distributed, in-memory, large graph processing engine.<\/p>\n

Graphs play an indispensable role in a wide range of domains. Graph processing at scale, however, is facing challenges at all levels, ranging from system architectures to programming models. Underpinned by a strongly-typed RAM store and a general computation engine, Graph Engine helps users build both real-time online query processing applications and high-throughput offline analytics systems with ease.<\/p>\n

Graph Engine\u2019s RAM store can manage billions of run-time objects. The RAM store provides efficient memory management with high memory utilization ratios. It takes full advantage of the RAM to speed up data accesses and computations in a way that makes every single byte count.<\/p>\n

As a versatile general-purpose computation engine, Graph Engine is extremely extensible. It provides a unified declarative language for both data modeling and message passing. Instead of using a fixed data schema and hard-wired computation paradigms, it allows users to freely define data schemata and extend the system capability by performing fine-grained message passing.<\/p>\n

Graph Engine is ready to integrate with other system stacks as well. The user-defined APIs can be easily exposed via RESTful interfaces. An application powered by Graph Engine is accessible to any connected device.<\/p>\n

Graph Engine has many built-in features for distributed programming, including:<\/p>\n