{"id":171492,"date":"2015-08-15T04:11:46","date_gmt":"2015-08-15T04:11:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/project\/sigmadolphin\/"},"modified":"2022-12-02T11:26:44","modified_gmt":"2022-12-02T19:26:44","slug":"sigmadolphin","status":"publish","type":"msr-project","link":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/project\/sigmadolphin\/","title":{"rendered":"SigmaDolphin: Automated Math Word Problem Solving"},"content":{"rendered":"
Building a computer system to automatically solve math word problems written in natural language. SigmaDolphin is a project initiated in early 2013 at Microsoft Research Asia, with the primary goal of building a computer intelligent system with natural language understanding<\/u> and reasoning<\/u> capacities. We focus on the application of automatic problem solving<\/u>, i.e., automatically solving problems (especially math word problems) written in natural language.<\/p>\nMotivation<\/h2>\n
Computer programs can complete many tasks much more effectively and efficiently than human beings, such as calculating the product of two large numbers, or finding all occurrences of a string in a long text. However, the performance of computers on many intelligent tasks is still low. For example, in a chatting scenario, computers often generate irrelevant or incorrect responses; and we can easily find ridiculous results in automatic machine translation; and it is still a very challenging task for state-of-the-art computer programs to solve even primary-school-level math word problems.<\/p>\n
A well trained person can apparently outperform computers on the above intelligent tasks. The main reason, we believe, lies in our amazing power of natural language understanding and reasoning (especially common sense reasoning) over state-of-the-art artificial intelligent (AI) systems.<\/p>\n
Once we are able to empower computers with the ability of natural language understanding and reasoning, we may see significant performance improvements on text processing tasks like question answering and machine translation. In addition, it may open doors to new applications which are impractical so far because of the limited intelligent level of current computer systems.<\/p>\n
We drive our system design and implementation by the scenario of automatically solving math word problems. It is an ideal starting point to our research because of the following reasons:<\/p>\n
The following research topics are highly related to our project.<\/p>\n