{"id":845926,"date":"2022-05-19T22:51:40","date_gmt":"2022-05-20T05:51:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/"},"modified":"2024-08-13T08:10:41","modified_gmt":"2024-08-13T15:10:41","slug":"prose-research-fellowship-program","status":"publish","type":"msr-research-item","link":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/publication\/prose-research-fellowship-program\/","title":{"rendered":"PROSE Research Fellowship Program"},"content":{"rendered":"

Scale up impact while nurturing globally diverse talent and growing research leaders<\/em><\/h4>\n


\"SumitI am a product of a typical graduate school education that focuses on individual excellence, and it took me the first half of my research career to realize that we are in an era where big scientific discoveries are unlikely to come from a lone genius working in isolation. Today\u2019s disruptive science is a process of layering, combining ideas, and collaboration involving big teams\u2014of individuals that bring different skills to the table, focus, and trust each other to work together. However, such structures are hard to create due to talent shortage and funding limitations as I have experienced over the second half of my career.\u00a0<\/em><\/p>\n

It has been 5 years since we formed the PROSE team to advance the state-of-the-art in Program Synthesis and incorporate those innovations inside Microsoft products. The result has been delightful experiences for a huge customer base (with a million+ invocations\/week of the Flash Fill feature in Excel, a million+ accepted suggestions\/month of the Intellicode Suggestions feature in VS, and a million+ invocations\/month of the data connectors in PQ) and a multitude of papers in top-tier conferences across various research areas (several winning best paper awards and test-of-time most-influential paper awards).<\/em><\/p>\n

– Sumit Gulwani, upon founding the PROSE Research Fellowship program in late 2020<\/p><\/blockquote>\n


The key to the PROSE team\u2019s success has come through a 4-step process which determines our culture:<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

  1. The most important part of solving a problem is the <\/span>definition<\/span><\/b>, so we focus on:<\/span>\u00a0<\/span>\n